Books Magazine

Sunday Shopping – Fandom Of The Month

By Jazmin-Jade

Sunday Shopping – Fandom Of The Month

Today I bring you a Fandom of the Month unboxing! After filming this I noticed that the cards  that come in these boxes don’t actually list any of the items within or who made them so I am unable to do my normal break down for these boxes but I will do the best I can.

For any Australians reading/watching is cost me about $34 to buy the box and have it shipped here from the US. Out of the four things in this box I will wear three of them and love them to bits. The watch also seems like its pretty good quality and would be worth a bit so I was really happy with this box. However the downfall to this series is that they don’t tell you what the theme of each box is and if its not something you like that is a lot of money to waste.

Till Next Time…


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