LGBTQ Magazine

Sunday Morning Soul-Enriching Resources: Ex-Evangelicals, Catholic Sexual Abuse and Fr. Tom Doyle, Rev. William J. Barber and Healthcare

Posted on the 18 June 2017 by William Lindsey @wdlindsy
Sunday Morning Soul-Enriching Resources: Ex-Evangelicals, Catholic Sexual Abuse and Fr. Tom Doyle, Rev. William J. Barber and Healthcare
Some Sunday morning soul-enriching resources I'd like to share, dealing with disparate topics:
At his Not Your Mission Field blog, Chris Stroop offers  a list of valuable resources for ex-Evangelicls, ex-fundamentalists, survivors of spiritual abuse, etc. As he explains,
What follows below is an annotated list of resources and recommended reading for ex-Evangelicals, other ex-fundamentalists, and survivors of spiritual abuse and religious trauma, categorized as "Recommended Websites and Blogs," "Podcasts and Performances," "Online Discussion Groups, Support Groups, and Forums," and "Advocacy Groups and Conferences," and "Resources for Evangelicals in Your Life Facing Domestic or Extreme Spiritual Abuse."

At her Enduring Space blog, Ruth Krall has done yeowoman's work gathering together a cumulative bibliography of the work of the critically important whistleblower regarding the Catholic sexual abuse crisis and its cover-up, Father Thomas Doyle. When you click the link and go to Ruth's site, you'll be prompted to click another link that will download for you the pdf file containing this valuable resource — which Ruth is sharing very generously with the rest of us.
In a Gathering podcast, Rev. William J. Barber II of the Moral Monday movement in North Carolina and several of his guests speak together about the moral implications of what the Trump administration are Republican Congress are doing to the American healthcare system:

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