This blog post is part two from January 8
Repurposed Art Journal
These are travel collages, using maps and ephemera and watercolors, crayons and markers.
This 2 page spread reminds me of the nice vacation we had with my sister-in-law.
I usually complete a group of pages at once, instead of one a day.
This 2 page spread captures the lovely weekend we spent with our friends Mario and Bella.
The left hand page is a collage from a Public Art Dedication that I went to that my two friends Marianne and Lynn created.
These pages are created while on my trips, I'm usually pretty busy but can find an afternoon here or there to catch up on my journaling. If I wait until I get home, it is too overwhelming and I never get around to it.
On the left is a tattoo design I created for my friend Mandi. On the right is one of the original pages from my daughters journal.
This 2 page spread will remind me of the fabulous time I had with my oldest daughter this summer while spending a week at her home.
Mine on left, daughters on right. I am currently reading "The Time Traveler's Wife"
and working in this journal reminds me of the story a little bit as my daughter and I are not passing the journal back and forth to work in it, but it is her journal from 10 years ago?
And when I see her markings I think of her how she was then instead of now as a young adult.
"I could never resist the call of the trail" Buffalo Bill
I love trying to make sense of my daughters diagrams and doodles.