Fashion Magazine

Summer Ready with Sk:n

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__
summer ready with sk:nImages from PinterestWith the warmer weather here, and my holiday fast approaching (sixteen days and counting...) I'm starting to think about getting summer ready. To start that means getting my bod in a fit state to release on the general public. Don't worry, that doesn't mean you unsuspecting folk, just thew few who happen to be around the pool in Lindos in a few weeks. Phew! About eight weeks back I got fully in to fitness mode once again, and am finally starting to see the fruits of my labor. I'm reaching the last few years of my twenties, and the weight just doesn't shift like it used to!So, with my summer bod starting to take shape I'm starting to think about tackling the one thing all girls hate - body hair. I'm a sensitive little creature, and sometimes razors can irritate my skin - particularly when I'm in hot places. I usually get a wax before holiday just so I don't have to worry about shaving and all that jazz, but am starting to think about something more permanent. After seeing Kim Kardashian (don't judge me) getting the baby hairs on her face lasered on KUWTK years ago, I've had the thought at the back of my mind.Using laser technology to target the pigment in hair follicles, laser hair removal can permanently limit the follicle's ability to regrow hair leaving you with super soft, and more importantly, fuzz-free skin. Although you can begin to see results after the first treatment, approximately 6-8 treatments can leave you with permanently hair-free skin. I don't know about you, but I'm super tempted by this as I really really hate shaving and am such a wimp even the thought of waxing makes my toes curl! I've used Sk:n clinics in the past for other dermatological treatments (I had a course of microdermabrasion which was excellent) so am seriously tempted to pop into the Guildford clinic when I'm next in town to get some more deets. So my question to you is - have you had laser hair removal? Is it worth it? *this is a collaborative post

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