Lifestyle Magazine

Successful Dental Practice Marketing Strategy

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

Many people seem to hate going to the dentist and I am one of them. I was in the midst of major dental work when my dentist of nearly two decades decided to retire. While I wished him a good, much-deserved retirement, I was sad to be on the hunt for a new dentist.

Top Ways to Successful Dental Practice Marketing Strategy

If you want to grow your dental practice then Primefunnelppc management firm can help you get more patients with effective digital marketing strategies .

Successful Dental Practice Marketing Strategy

In my quest to find the best local dentist to suit my situation, I realized that not many dentists market themselves very well. Luckily, I live in a small town and word of mouth is always a great advertisement, but what drew me to my current dentist the most was the name recognition because he markets his practice very well.

From my experience, I learned from him that to market your dental practice well, there are several things to keep in mind and more than one way to achieve excellent dental marketing practices.

Here are the top 10 ways I have found that you can market your dental practice while getting your name out there to potential new and local clients.

1] Keep Facebook Ads Local

Placing a broad Facebook ad may seem like a good idea to reach as many people as possible but it is not practical. If someone in Florida sees an ad for your practice in Ohio, it will not do anyone any good. Be sure to localize your Facebook ads so that they are reaching people within a 40 to 50-mile radius of your dental practice.

Facebook also offers what is referred to as demographic targeting. There is a large amount of demographic data available so you can target potential new dental clients in a variety of ways, such as their type of employment, the language they speak, their relationship status, income level and even hobbies and interests.

Research shows that it is mostly women who are tasked with making nearly all, a whopping 90 percent of all dental buying decisions for themselves and their families so it is imperative to get your message out to them in a way that will get their attention.

I work for a radio station and know first-hand the power of radio ads. This is actually the way I found my new dentist.

When people are driving, working, or relaxing while listening to the radio, they seem to be able to focus more attentively on what is being said. This is one way to promote your dental practice to tons of local residents for a price that will not break the bank.

3] Newspapers are not Dead Yet

Many people think that newspapers do not exist anymore but many do and if your area has a local newspaper, this is a great way to reach local people who could become your new dental clients.

The upside to advertising in a newspaper these days is that your ad will appear in the print edition along with the online edition of the newspaper, expanding your audience and new patient potential. All of this for one price can be a wonderful deal.

People love convenience and what is more convenient than allowing prospective new patients to not only read your ad on Google, newspapers, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other online sites but to be able to click and call your office right from their cell phone or other devices.

While some people will see your ads on their computer, laptop, or tablet, most people actively searching for a dentist seem to use their smartphone. With that said, mobile call-only ads may be the way to go.

Setting your ads up correctly always needs a professional. This is why dental marketing services need to be performed by an expert dental marketing company.

5] Appointment Reminders

Successful Dental Practice Marketing Strategy

It is easier than ever before to remind patients of their upcoming appointment. From the traditional postcard in the mail or phone call to a text message that allows them to confirm their appointment or click to change it, there are many ways to ensure your patients keep their appointments. You can even send reminders via emails or through Google calendar alerts.

Sponsoring a local baseball, softball, soccer, or other sports team will certainly get the name of your dental practice out to area residents and potential new clients.

Along with team T-shirts, you can also offer free toothbrushes and other items that sport the name of your dental practice. You can include a postcard that provides good dental health practices for children and families.

If you want to target people based on their income level, , has made it pretty simple to do. Through , you have three options to choose from and you will want to click on demographics. You then need to select the location groups tab so you can choose the demographics from the options that appear.

You can now click on the household income tier and hit the large, red "add" button. And You can use this to target people with higher income levels to advertise services such as veneers or implants or to lower income groups for cleanings and fillings.

8] Make Remarketing Ads Work for You

Remarketing ads are many times referred to as easy money because they help you connect with people who have already visited your dental practice or website. Specific ads can be created to target those people and turn them into ongoing clients.

Collecting emails, either through your website or at your dental office, will allow you to utilize the Customer Match feature on Google Ads and Facebook. You simply upload the email addresses of your prospective new patients to create a specific audience to market to through an ad that will get their attention and hopefully their business.

9] Google Maps and Waze Ads

Placing an ad on Google Maps can direct a potential new patient directly to your doorstep. When someone in your area searches for dentists or dental practices, results are shown on a map along with a list of search results.

Similarly, Waze Ads is a community-based application that will bring up a billboard that is digitally created to appear on the map and in the search results. They can navigate to your practice immediately or save it for future reference.

10] Keywords are Still Important

If someone has a horrible toothache and it's Saturday night, they will more than likely be turning to Google or another search engine to find an emergency dentist.

They may even search directly on Waze or Google Maps so including the words urgent and emergency in your ads will bring people in your area to your practice when they are in their most desperate moments in searching for a dental practice.

You can hire a great advertising agency to assist you with all of your dental practice advertising needs or you can utilize the tips from above and create your own dental marketing campaign.

Primefunnel has also been featured in another news publication detailing law firm marketing strategies. If your dental practice needs professional digital marketing service feel free to look up Primefunnel and give them a call.

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