Are you happy? Are you being the best you can be?
Often we just stroll through life, day by day, we forget we have a purpose, we have a chance, el7umdella, we are all alive and we are all here for a reason. We all have a chance to be great, to succeed, to be happy.
We should respect ourselves and others, treat others how we ourselves want to be treated, love with all of our hearts and have no fear. The only fear we should have is that of Allah.
#begreat #cherishthosethatmatter #bekind #behonest #lovepassionately #lovewithallyourheart #dogooddeeds #givezakat #pray #5pillarsofislam #believe #hope #havefaith
Don’t wait for the new year to make resolutions. Do it today.
Don’t backstab, don’t be bitter, don’t hold grudges. Forgive and forget. Move forward and be happy.