Yet another web game has taken the figure community by storm! Created by the same team behind the personified warship game popularly known as
Touken Ranbu is a game about swords—swords who become bishounen through the power of the player. Part card collecting and part sheer luck, the game has hit just as hard as its predecessor
Kancolle did, and that means more figures! And one of the first to come out is the subject for this month’s review: Nendoroid Kashu Kyomitsu!

True to his character, Kashu is nicely put together right out of the box! There was a bit more plastic attached to him than usual, especially around his hair, but I didn’t encounter any paint transferring issues when I took these pictures. His arms were a bit difficult to reattach after removing the plastic and had a habit of falling back out if I moved them the wrong way, but they did stay put for the various poses I tried during this photoshoot. I’ve know I’ve gushed a lot about the gradient painting on the Nendoroid line in the past, but I feel it deserves a special mention here for Kashu’s hair—the slight hint of red works really well as a nod to his in-game art while still looking natural!

I’ve read complaints elsewhere about paint smearing on the torso, but I didn’t notice anything outside of the Nendoroid line’s standard quality here. There’s a slight bit of bleeding on the gold lines, but not anything that’s noticeable from even a small distance. I’m not sure if people are making mountains out of molehills or I just got lucky, but either way I think the paint job on Kashu is great. Check out that tiny detailing on his lapels for his crest! In fact, the only complaint I have about the paint is that he’s lacking his nail job, but GSC has
a tutorial posted in case you want to add it in yourself!

Also, his stand is a little different from what usually comes with Nendoroids — Kashu get a round one with his crest on it instead! Apparently Good Smile Company is planning on doing this with future Touken Ranbu Nendoroid releases, and I’m looking forward to seeing the other crests like this! It makes the stand a little more unique while still clearly a part of the character.

Kashu comes with two alternative expressions and several smaller accessories. The first expression is a yawning face. I thought that it kind of looked like an eating face, so I paired it with one set of his accessories, a dango stick and a plate! Kashu comes with hands specifically to hold these pieces, but the dango piece felt a little fragile. I recommend being careful when setting this up or risk snapping the dango in two (and then everyone will lose a bit of health)!

The rest of his main accessories revolve around his sword, which comes both with and without its sheath. His final expression comes straight from his battle art in the game. The only problem that I had with the swords was with gravity; the sheathed version fell out of his hand a lot, but otherwise I had fun posing him! For action poses, Kashu also comes with an alternative hair piece that can be swapped out and posed using a ball joint. I love that kind of attention to detail.

I also ended up buying Kashu’s Nendoroid Sleeping Bag, and while it’s not part of the regular release I have to share how adorable it is. This was definitely worth the extra money!

Overall, I’m really pleased with how this turned out. Kashu is the first Nendoroid I’ve gotten from the
Touken Ranbu line (I missed out on the first run of Jiji) so I can’t compare him to any other characters, but this was nicely put together! I’m looking forward to posing him more alongside other characters once they come in. In the meantime, he’s hanging in his sleeping bag off my bookshelf. I highly recommend him to fans, and he’d make a great first piece for anyone who likes Touken Ranbu and wants to start a Nendoroid collection!
As of the time of this writing, Kashu is available at AmiAmi.com and other reputable figure stores. Make sure to research the store you’re purchasing from and be wary of bootlegs before buying! Happy figure collecting!