I'd like to introduce you to Amanda, Valencia (Spain) based blogger of Something Fashion
What is the secret to great style?I think the key to having a great style is always keep balanced and be very confident about who you truly are. Balance as a result of our own proportions according to the proportions of the pieces we wear, balance being also a fundamental piece when it comes to clothing shapes, lengths, and colour contrasts and combinations. If you know who you are deep inside, and you know yourself better than anyone does, you'll have no problem in finding you own true personal style.
What are your top tips for looking stylish when travelling?Doing some research before-hand is my go-to tip when traveling. Research, research, research and a lot of previous planning! For me it's important to know where I'm heading to, the local lifestyle and culture, if there're some important traditions or customs related to fashion and if there's something I have to stick to. It's also important to know what the weather is like, and always pack having different kind of situations in mind. The planning comes in handy not only not to forget anything, but also to keep in mind how longer our stay will be and pack our luggage according to that (anyway, I'm leaving in a month on an Erasmus year abroad and I can't even think about packing a whole year of my life in clothes and stuff to survive).

I always try to stick to basics and iconic pieces which are timeless by itself: little black dresses, a pair of regular boyfriend jeans, a white basic shirt, a pair of comfortable flats. By choosing this pieces as the main focus on my outfits, I have the absolute control on bringing them to the present day by adding the trendiest accessories or playing with my hair and makeup.

I don't think I have a specific style icon when it comes to fashion, or anyone whom I think of once I head to the closet every morning. Instead, I feel very influenced by art, architecture or product design, by looking at their shapes, volumes, materials and contrasts when it comes to colours. I also like to gather inspiration from old Hollywood celebrities: Ingrid Bergman, Katharine Hepburn, Judy Garland. They were pioneers in using fashion as their sign of identity and uniqueness!
What's the best piece of style wisdom you've ever received?I've actually received so many I couldn't only pick one! I've been always told at home that being well dressed and according to the occasion and event is as important as being punctual. I also read once about not putting together in an outfit more than 5 different colours, put I don't think I've always complied it.

I think my personal style goes along my field of study and soon to be profession, as well as it complements my daily routines and personality quite well. I would say my personal style is minimal, classy and timeless: as in architecture, every piece and detail of an outfit has to find its own place. I would say it's not a very common style for a woman my age, and maybe it lacks the risk most of young adults carry on their looks but, it's what I feel comfortable on, and day by day I try to experiment with new fashion formulas to adapt current trends into timeless assembles.
What are your favourite websites:Dezeen and ArchDaily are my go-to for references in editorial and graphic design, as well as architecture and interior. They do great features and interviews.
Itfashion and Fashionista are my source when it comes to a different, out of the ordinary approach to fashion.