Jacqueline Whitmore
Today’s Stylish Thoughts post is from Palm Beach Florida based blogger Jacqueline Whitmore who is a certified etiquette expert, professional speaker, and the author of Poised for Success: Mastering the Four Qualities That Distinguish Outstanding Professionals and Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work.
What is the secret to great style?
Personal style is not about the brand of watch on your wrist, the pricey outfit you’re wearing, or the designer handbag you carry. Style is something you can’t buy. It’s knowing what clothes make you look and feel your best and knowing how to put them together. When you have this knowledge or knack, you end up looking more complete and feeling more confident, so your personality and uniqueness can shine through.
What is the one thing you would spend a lot of money on?
Shoes. I think you can tell a lot about a person by the type of shoes she wears. Did you know that long ago footwear was an indicator of one’s prosperity level? People who could afford to regularly repair or reheel their shoes were considered “well-heeled.” I also spend a lot of money on my bed linens and pillows. Sleep is vital to a person’s overall health and well-being. I sleep an average of nine hours of beauty sleep each night.
What is the one thing you wouldn’t spend a lot of money on?
Hairspray. I am just as happy using a $2.00 can of hairspray as I am a $20.00 can.
What are your top tips for looking stylish when travelling?
Choose “global” clothing, especially for business travel. Select lightweight, breathable fabrics that don’t wrinkle easily and can be worn in multiple climates. A woman may show her individuality with accessories including scarves, handbags, and high-quality costume jewelry. Play it safe and leave your expensive jewelry at home if you are traveling abroad. Remember to dress as if you might run into a client while you’re on the airplane or in the airport.
What’s the secret to looking polished?
Buy quality, not quantity.
What is your current obsession?
My Breville juicer. I love to make a green drink each morning. Eating healthy makes my skin glow and makes me feel fabulous!
Who inspires you?
The 80-somethings I see exercising at my gym. There is one woman in my yoga class who is almost 90 and she is more limber than I am! I hope I look as good as some of these people when I get to be their age.
What’s not worth the money?
Expensive manicures and pedicures. Many good-quality salons charge a lot less and you get the same great results.
What’s your secret to making yourself stand out?
My smile. I believe that a person’s smile is the most beautiful curve on the human body. People respond more positively to you when you smile.
The one piece of advice most women need but don’t get?
Buy the right bra and shapewear. Body shapers can mould, shape, minimize, and actually enhance your natural curves, making you look thinner, smoother, tighter, smaller, higher, and sexier. The right bra is very important to prevent your parts from puckering, creeping, spilling, or sagging.
What’s the best piece of style wisdom you’ve ever received?
When I’m feeling tired and you want to look presentable, I never leave my house without wearing sunglasses and a touch of mascara and lipstick.
What is your favorite current trend?
I observe, but don’t follow the trends. Trendy clothes tend to be hip, cutesy, whimsical, fun, or funky, and they tend to change from season to season and can be very costly. Trends come and go, but women who are serious about career advancement need to remember that real style is both timeless and classic.
Who are your style icons?
One of my favorite icons is the legendary Oscar-winning actress Grace Kelly. With her subtle energy, elegance, and beauty, she became one of Hollywood’s most fascinating and enduring stars.