Fashion Magazine

Style Me If You Can

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__
Its officially Autumn, right? Last week we had twenty-seven degree weather, and now we have... rain, and fog, and glumness. I spoke the other day about my love for summer weather but my preference for autumnal fashion - its a toughie! So I can't say the change in weather is all bad. I have quite enjoyed throwing on the odd scarf, digging out the fine knits and pulling on my beloved ankle boots! Saying that, I have also developed a pretty hideous cold... its been a week now and I still feel awful; taking yesterday off work was a necessary evil. I hate taking time off at the best of times, but as its the start of term it brings a whole host of problems. Sigh. Hopefully the vitamin C supplements will work their magic soon!

So, back to the clothes. I love this time of year for fashion, and am absolutely loving the highstreet's offerings for AW13. The return of faux fur and shearling details, the mixing of fabrics and rich, plush tones have made me a very happy lady. As always, Warehouse have got it spot on! Back in June this year they asked you guys to put together an outfit from their AW13 collection as part of their Style Me If You Can campaign. Last week they released the results; 9 fabulous outfits chosen by you!

style me if you can
I'm so impressed with Warehouse this autumn and can't wait to get my hands on my favorite pieces. Speaking of me if you can

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