Fashion Magazine

Style: Keeping It Floral

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean
Style: Keeping it floralStyle: Keeping it floral
Style: Keeping it floralStyle: Keeping it floral What I'm wearing: Dress - New Look, Heels - Next, Watch - M&S, Bracelet - Vintage
I was off out last night for a cheeky glass of wine with a good friend.  I'd been at the fabulous BlogCampUK in Birmingham all day, so was pretty bushed and couldn't decide what to wear.  Sometimes its always good to have a simple item or trusty outfit in your wardrobe for times like this, which is why I was thrilled to find my floral dress in there.  Now, this is a prime example why it is good to hold onto some items despite their age.  I bought this number in 2008 and still have it, but it literally can be thrown on and it fits so why would I get rid of it?!
Have you got key items that you just wont get rid of?
Style: Keeping it floral  xoxo

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