Hair loss can be a difficult mental and physical process. It can affect hair growth, hair quality, hair texture, and self-esteem. But there is hope! The good news is that hair transplants are an effective way to get back your hairline and have a full head of hair again. In this article, we will explore the benefits of hair transplants, the cost of treatment, how it works in detail, and more!
What is hair transplant surgery and how does it work?

A hair transplant is a process in which follicles from one area on your scalp (the donor site) are harvested and then transplanted into another area that may be lacking hair density due to male pattern baldness or other causes.
There are two major types of hair restoration surgeries: Follicular Unit Transplants (FUT), also known as strip harvesting, where healthy hairs from an adjoining region on the back or side of the head are removed individually; and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), more commonly referred to as "skin punch.
How much does hair transplant surgery cost?
Hair transplant surgery typically costs up to $100 per hair follicle. Thus, hair transplants are not inexpensive. However, most people find them worth the investment for their self-esteem, appearance, and mental health. The cost depends largely on where you seek treatment and can range anywhere from $5000- to $15000+ per session depending on the extent of the problem that needs to be addressed.
How long does it take for transplanted hair to grow after surgery?
Hair usually starts growing about six months after the procedure is done - but this could vary depending on how quickly a person's body heals. According to practitioners specialized in hair restoration, for some people, new hairs will continue growing as they did before they lost their natural supply. Others may need a retouch with more transplants over time.
Why should you consider a hair transplant?
You should consider hair transplants if you are facing hair loss, balding or receding hairline. Hair transplant surgery can help to achieve a full head of hair again!
Who can benefit from a hair transplant?

The people who can benefit from hair transplants are generally those who have a hairline that is receding or hair loss from male pattern baldness.
Do hair transplant surgeries hurt?
The majority of patients report little to no pain during the procedure, and this will depend on how much anesthetic is administered before surgery. It's important to note that there can be some discomfort after the surgery as well - but again, this varies by person and what kind of anesthesia was used.
Hair transplants for women - do they work as well as they do for men?
Studies show hair transplants work well for both male and female patients, but some hair transplant specialists have reported better success with women.
What are the side effects?
Common side effects after a hair transplant include pain; redness at the donor site where hair was removed from before it is transplanted to another area of the scalp (usually this will go away within a few weeks); swelling or bruising at the donor site that may last up to two weeks after surgery; numbness on top of the head sometimes ranging in size depending on how much hair was transplanted, which usually goes away within three months post-surgery. Hair loss can also be temporary as new hairs grow back in their place.
What can you expect before, during, and after the procedure?
Before hair transplant surgery, a doctor will conduct tests and measurements to assess hair loss. They may take photographs of the scalp as well for reference during hair transplants. A general anesthetic is typically used when hair transplants are performed.
During this procedure, hair follicles from one area on your scalp (the donor site) are harvested and then transplanted into another area that may be lacking hair density due to male pattern baldness or other causes.
After hair transplantation surgery, you can expect some swelling at the donor site where hairs were removed before they're moved elsewhere in your scalp - usually, this goes down within two weeks post-surgery; bruising at donor site that lasts up to three days after surgery.
You may be considering a hair transplant because you have lost your natural hair and want to regain the fullness that was once there. It's a great way to get back what nature has taken away from you, but it is also important to think about how much time and money will go into recovering your former self. The risk of undergoing this procedure includes pain (both during surgery and post-op) scarring, infection, or other complications with anesthesia leading to death. If these risks don't deter you, then consider consulting with an expert who specializes in this procedure.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
How Do Hair Transplants and Replacement Work and How Effective Are They? The Myths and Real Causes of Hair Loss in Men 45 Facts about HairP.S. We want to hear from you! How do you relate to hair transplants? Would you get them? Why? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!