In my Thinkibility Notebook, I note interesting things I notice. I try to develop a habit to spot and reflect upon perceptions and things that catch my attention.
A paradise for harvesting interesting ideas is the daily life on the streets. What do you think of a hairdresser’s that advertise: “Only today it is possible to get your hair cut without a prior appointment”. Yes, the sign is there every day!
And what do you think of this pricing: “Now for $1.97”. Hmm, yesterday the price was $2.
Or at the counter of a warehouse store: “If we deal with you, we will not disturb you when you’re calling”.
And in a garage for checking your car I saw a sign with: “If you have complaints, please ask the boss”.
Once I was having a cafe on a terrace and a man in a white doctor’s coat approached me. He offered to take my blood pressure. Apparently, he lived on the streets and earned money by offering to take your blood pressure.
Reflecting on this idea, I extracted the concept of Street Medical Diagnosis as an alternative concept for Street Music, Street Vendor and Street Amusement.
Modern medical diagnosis devices, like blood pressure devices (Costs ca. $50), are fully automated and you need little expertise to use them. Unemployed could make a living while at the same time detect citizens with hypertension that improve medical healthcare at low entry barriers and low costs.
As in future more medical diagnoses will be “fool proof”, for example, heart rate and volume or glucose and oxygen levels in blood, the concept of Street Medical Diagnose will be possible viable as a help for the unemployed.
What ideas do you get while you are walking around “Street Thinking”?
Photo “Question Mark Sign” by artur84