Fashion Magazine

Street Feet: Trending Tan and Tall Platforms

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz

Street Feet: Trending Tan and Tall Platforms

Trending: Tan Leather Platforms (Photo Credit: Bella Q)

Transitioning easily from summer into autumn are these delectable vintage platforms, as seen on the charming hooves of one Nicole Honeyeater, designer for Flaming Hag Folkwear. She is also a co-owner to the midtown vintage heaven known as Crimson & Clover. Nicole pairs her seasoned rich tan leather sandals with another key trend for fall: patchwork prints. Hers are two separates, a blouse and a skirt, both vintage finds from estate sales. Nicole masterfully mixes her patchwork items for a colorful, stylish look that stands tall in between seasons.

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