[Plentiful vibrant flowers just the day before Valentine's Day]

[Coffee and cronuts at the scrumptious Dreher bakery]

[With my friend Olivia in front of the cathedral]

[Vistors look in complete awe at the extremely massive cathedral]

[Heather, Olivia, and Me atop the Cathedral at the lookout point]
It's one thing to frolic around Paris, which in my opinion has lost it's true culture to tourism, but it's another thing to be able to speak the language in a city you've never once been to. Having told anyone who asked that we "lived in Rennes" and "we're here for 9 months", we got a lot of strange reactions about how far Rennes is from Alsace-they're on complete opposite sides of the country. Knowing that I first and foremost really enjoyed Strasbourg and second of all that it is not exactly accessible like a 2 hour train like Paris was completely gratifying.
Hope you guys are doing well and that you like these pictures! I truly enjoyed Strasbourg and the character of the charming city. Munich + Berlin coverage coming soon!
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