Lifestyle Magazine

Stranger Things 3.

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
stranger things 3.Originally posted: 4th July 2019It’s finally here! I’m trying to cram as much as I can in before work whilst getting ready and as you can tell I’m only just starting episode 2. However I can already tell this is going to be the best season yet. Just wishing, hoping and praying the Duffer brothers finally give Joyce Byers a freaking break! Update: Season 3 was eventually completed at 1:30am on 5th July. Without giving anything away I just want to quickly raise a few things: 1. Things need to be discussed. Lots of things! It can not be left like that.2. Please give Winona & Millie all the awards. They can split them I'm sure.3. I have a lot of emotions right now and don’t know how to process them! #momsteve

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