Lifestyle Magazine

Story Time: The Tale of Motherhood

By Chaayen

 In "Mummy's Guilt", it talks about squeezing some me-time for a cup of Joe. I used to read a book every month. Ever since the arrival of my child, I have to admit that my life revolves around his schedule. When he is asleep, I either catch 40 winks or get a few things done. And when he is awake, boy, he sticks to me like a glue and expects me to come out with stimulants to entertain him. 

I am not saying it is not worth it. Motherhood to be has been rather sweet and challenging. I relish those days he smiles and always hurriedly dash about to his side when other caregivers inform me about his new milestones. Days have just gotten more tiring but meaningful. 

Story Time: The Tale of Motherhood

And so, to usher in 2021, I decided to launch a whole series on book reviews (preferably one article a month) just to get my life back. My preference would be of course to feature to local literature. But of course it really depends on what I read. Believe it or not, just reading this book alone took me a few day, split between a series of nap-time of my child. Sigh.
"Me-time" no longer comes naturally. It is about deliberate prioritising. If I do this, I can't do that. Sigh. For any mummies, "Mummy's Guilt" is relatable for all even if you are a SAHM. Honestly, part of me wished I had gotten this book before our little one came because the checklist and experience shared pre-baby was very useful. If you are a lazy mama that hates doing research, this book has quite a good summary. :)
Story Time: The Tale of Motherhood

The book explores quite a bit of topics that go through many mothers' head, one of which is going back to work after maternity leave. Personally, I oscilliate between achieving my ambitions, taking a temporary step back and just staying at home for my child. Eventually, after reading the book, I am pretty certain I will never be happy to just be a stay-home mom. 
My personal favorite section is the cases at the last section. The interviewees were mainly successful working mothers that gave some tips on how "to have it all". One of the tip which I actually use as well is creating a to-do list. It helps to get things done although a bit slowly. Overall, I would recommend this book to new mums! It is an easy read and very informative!

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