While tefilla is always good, I have another suggestion for them that might work more immediately, and it is a solution they themselves came up with, suggested and have bandied about for many years already...
That would be, leaving the government because what they were promised has not been given.
the Haredi parties have been threatening this government time after time since it was formed a little over two years ago that if the Draft Law they want is not passed by a variety of deadlines, they would collapse the government. And every time Netanyahu calls their bluff and fails to pass a draft law for them by each deadline, they decide not to collapse the government because they want other things as well that they would have to risk losing by collapsing the government. So the government continues to think they are not serious and keeps promising the passage of the law and just regularly moving the goalposts, and the Haredi parties continue to just accept it despite their regular threats (though recently they have also stopped threatening, and only Minister Goldknopf has continued with the threats).
If they would carry through on their threats they might be taken more seriously next time. And also, collapsing the government would give them more time and kick the can a little further down the road, which is something they have been doing for a long time.
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