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Stockholm Furniture Fair 2012 Inspiration

By Trendoffice @trendoffice
Stockholm Furniture Fair 2012 InspirationStockholm Furniture Fair 2012 InspirationNoticing that we rarely “just sit”, we started to reflect on all the activities we do while sitting: all the moments that we read, we drink a cup of coffee, we work, we engage in conversation… ‘Moment’ was born out of these situations. - the inspiration for the mew 'Moment' lounge chair was launched at the Stockholm Furniture Fair, February 7-11, 2012 by Offecct, Sweden; designed by Khodi Feiz, Amsterdam. (via)
Beautiful! I would love to have either one :)
What about you?

Stockholm Furniture Fair 2012 Inspiration

Classic Svenst Tenn cabinets in Josef Frank's designs (via)

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