It is 10th January 2019 and we have had a bit of frost, although it does not get too cold here in central Brittany it is enough to damage or kill some crops in the polytunnel.
This winter as I was over wintering a few outdoor plants in pots so I decided to line the lower part of the poly tunnel to hopefully protect them from frost. I am sure most of them will survive but my indoor crops of tomatos, peppers and chilli's are a lot more sensative so the early frost did get them and I have been meaning to go in and clear the dead plants out.
Well to my surprise I had a final small harvest of tomatoes, and chillies. The plants are dead but the friut was clinging on. Some had dropped off and rotted, but amazingly some had survived the frost.
Lining the walls with bubble wrap just might help keep off a bit of frost whenover wintering plants in the polytunnel