Yes, you probably remember 2 of my posts before (here and here) where I was playing with the idea of getting a tattoo. In the first post, it was just an idea, but to be honest with you, I didn't think I was going to do it. After the second post, something really did began to tickle. But still, I wasn't sure if it would be something for me. In the month between the last post and this one, I've come across more tattoo's, by incidence but also on purpose, since I still had a little voice in the back of my mind that kept remembering me about the idea. Well, the latest update on the thinking-about-getting-a-tattoo adventure is this: I think it can actually be something for me. Look at the above images. A small heart, bird or word, in a place where it can be hidden if I want to.. I really like the spot where the first girl got hers.. I still haven't made up my mind, but my mind is going more and more in the 'do it'-mode. Of course I'd have to think and be sure about what to get exactly, but I think it would be a bird, a heart, or a word. And either on an easy to hide spot, but I do like the above ones that these girls have on their wrists.. I know this is the third time I'm bothering you guys with my inner tattoo-conflicts, but I'd love to hear what you think! Let me know!
images via tattoologist