Books Magazine

Still Here, Just Procrastinating…

By Imagineer @ImagineerTeam

Firstly, a hello, and apology to all Dad’s loyal followers.

I have been procrastinating for a while now, as I have one finished project, that just needs compiling, and another that is still very much in the typing up phase.

I have been bitten by the Warhammer 40,000 (by Games Workshop) bug, and have been painting some newly acquired models, and deciding what to do with some I previously had.  This, in the main, is what has caused me to dither on Dad’s projects, and has caused my absence, as well as volunteering at a school full time.

Hopefully, things will even out soon, and I will be able to take the time needed to actually finish these two projects, and then decide on the best way to proceed from there.

I haven’t forgotten anybody, just been working through things in my own way…  It’s Dad’s Birthday at the end of the month…  He will be scattered, possibly in Dunwich, which was one of his favorite holiday spots.

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