TV & Video Magazine

Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin Are Now Officially on Twitter

Posted on the 04 May 2014 by Thevault @The_Vault

Many of True Blood’s cast members are already on Twitter, but Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin have never had accounts on the social network until now. Yesterday they officially made their first tweets and uploaded images to Instagram. These pages are verified (see blue check mark next to their name) which signifies that the accounts are theirs.

Get on over to Twitter and Instagram and follow them by clicking on the images below:
STEPHEN MOYER – @_smoyer


ANNA PAQUIN@annapaquin


And below are their first Instagram photos:


Stephen Moyer – who lists himself as a “Bacon lover, unicyclist, letter opener collector

Here’s Stephen’s first photo:

Screenshot 2014-05-02 17.51.05

Anna Paquin – who lists herself as “is no longer living underneath a rock

Here’s Anna’s first photo:

Screenshot 2014-05-02 17.58.51

source: and


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