Family Magazine

Step By Step Guide On How To Request For Birth Certificate Online

By Milastolemyheart
The company I work for offers great compensation for pregnant employees. Aside from the SSS maternity benefit, we have some coverage from our health card to pay the hospital bills. On top of that, I still got my regular salary for all the days I was on leave.
The only downside for me is that I have to submit Mila's birth certificate to process the SSS and health card benefits' payout. I could have asked Hubs to assist but he had work and I would not want to spend my time waiting in line on any government office. You know how long it can sometimes take and I would not waste those precious time without my daughter.
That's the first time I used the services of Pilipinas Teleserv's In two days, I got Mila's birth certificate delivered home. That saved me not only time but the stress of traveling through the crowded streets of Manila. That means money saved too since I did not have to pay for my cab nor buy food while waiting for the release of the document.
After more than one year, it's now Hubs who needs a copy of his birth certificate. Because of the convenience and easy transaction we had with before, I told him to just request it to be delivered again so he won't need to file leave a from work.
For other mommies who needs assistance with getting a copy of an NSO Birth Certificate for themselves or their family here's the step by step guide on how to request it online.
1. Go to
2. Pick the NSO Document you want to request. Yes, they process not just birth certificates but also Marriage Certificate, Death Certificate, and Certificate of no Marriage (CENOMAR). For the purposes of what Hubs needs and of this guide, I picked Birth Certificate.
Pick Document to Request
3. Pick your reason for requesting the document.
Step By Step Guide On How To Request For Birth Certificate OnlineWhat do you need to use the document for
4. Click Yes or No to answer if you have ever applied for the chosen certificate before
Have you applied before?
5. Fill out the Application Form
Birth Certificate Application Form Step By Step Guide On How To Request For Birth Certificate Online
6. Have you had any legal proceedings done to your birth certificate? You can choose from different options and depending on which you you chose, the system will ask you to submit the details. I chose none. 
Legal proceedings done to your birth certificate
7. Name the person who will receive the delivery. Make sure you put the correct name because the delivery guy will not give the document to anyone else. It can be the owner, parent, or guardian, or an authorized person. He or she should have a valid ID with Picture and Signature. If not the owner, an Authorized Letter should be available. 
Who will receive the certificate
8. At Checkout, the summary of information you provided will be posted on the left side to give you the chance to review it. Provide your contact information and delivery address. Make sure that the number you give is working. Based on experience, the delivery person will call first to let you know they are coming to make sure you are available. Remember that only the person you entered on Step 7 can receive and sign for the delivery. 
NSOHelpline Checkout
9. Enter the number of copies needed. Each copy costs Php 350.00 (For CENOMAR, it's Php 450.00). Price includes delivery and processing fee. Very reasonable for me since cab or gas will cost me roughly Php 300, plus the food. 
Checkout Summary and Total Amount Due
10. Choose from different payment options. I find it very convenient that there are offline (over the counter) and online options (credit cards and Bancnet). I have not tried Globe GCash so I'm not sure if it will incur some extra payment. I just wished the're an option for BPI Mobile Bank Transfer since that's the payment I usually use for my other online transactions.
Payment Options
And that's it. Your done! Very easy and only took me about 10 minutes to complete (only because I had to find out first the middle name of Hubs' Father)
You will receive an email that will detail your order and the reference number that you can use to track online. Delivery usually takes 2-3 Business Days after your payment had been confirmed and it can be sent to anywhere in the Philippines. Here's the list of valid IDs that will be accepted:
Valid ID List
For more information, you can go to the FAQ page on the website.
Pilipinas Teleserv is the power behind Citizen Services. It's the leader in providing convenient access to the NSO, POEA and DFA. Read about the other services here.

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