Environment Magazine

Steep Increase In Nation’s GHG Emissions Jeopardizes US’s Stand On Climate Change

Posted on the 10 January 2019 by Rinkesh @ThinkDevGrow

New research revealed a sharp increase in carbon dioxide emissions of the U.S. reaching an estimated 3.4% in 2018.  According to scientists, only the aggressive cutting of emissions by world nations could avoid the disastrous effects of climate change.

Rhodium Group, the independent economic research firm published its findings disclosing the diminishing chance of the United States to meet the pledge taken in Paris Agreement 2015 climate agreement to reduce emissions by 2015.


Donald Trump is political in all his actions and opinions. One of the shocking decisions taken by the office of Trump is to withdraw from the Paris Treaty. The Paris Treaty is a crucial agreement made by the UN members in the year 2015 to mitigate the emission of Greenhouse gases in a good proportion by 2020 and submit the regulatory reports taken by the governments before the concerned UN office.

Unsurprisingly, the United States is the second highest contributor to the total emission of gases. When the Obama government took the crucial step to reduce the emission rate of greenhouse gases, the government also supported it by taking significant measures to encourage the use of renewable energy sources. That considerably reduced the rate of the emission of greenhouse gases.

A panel of nearly 100 scientists that is backed by United Nations offered a detailed accounting of what it requires limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit). As the world is already experiencing an increase of 1 degree Celsius, the result of going beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius would be devastating and only a decade is left to make “unprecedented” changes to limit warming.

According to the reports, a 14% decrease in the rate of emission found after 2005. The actual anticipated reduction by 2025 is 28%, and the government still has half a more percent to cover the target. However, Trump not only decided to withdraw from the treaty but also ignores the mitigation measures taken during Obama’s term. Predictably, the recent study shows a 3.4% increase in the rate of the emission of greenhouse gases. This report came at a crucial point when the United States decided to withdraw from the Paris Agreement.

This decision of the United States to exit from the agreement will only be effective after the first phase that is in the year 2020 according to the terms of the treaty. Although the United States cannot quit from the agreement as an immediate step, the world nations do not welcome the decision happily. Not only the world leaders, but the researchers and environmentalists within the United States harshly criticize the stand taken by the Trump government.

As per the Deputy Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michael Mehling rising emission is a global problem and not just a U.S. problem. In 2018, global emissions reached a record high, and the United States goes hand in hand with China and India in case of contributing to rising emissions.

Mehling said “It’s not an isolated phenomenon,” and Trump administration’s deregulatory push is not to blame solely. He also added, “Such political developments, including the rollback of domestic climate policies in the U.S., tend to have a considerable lead time before you can actually see their reflection in physical emission trends.”

Moreover, the disastrous effect of the temperature rise will have unpredictable consequences upon the planet. Although many researchers based in the United States are publishing their research and study reports on the lethal effects of global warming, the President of the United States seems to ignore those reports considering them as a forged study. This negligence is disturbing the citizens of the United States as well as the world nations.

As the United States withdraw from the treaty, the financial aid to assist the developing countries in taking the crucial measures to mitigate the emission rate will also get canceled. This action voluntarily demands China to take the leadership on climate change issues. The world nations are also looking forward to tactfully tackling this global crisis.

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