Food & Drink Magazine

Steak & Pasta Salad

By Mariealicerayner @MarieRynr
Steak & Pasta Salad 
I had half of the steak that I cooked yesterday leftover and wanted to use it up today. I also had a quantity of crispy tender string beans.  I decided to make use of both of them and incorporate them into a salad.
I was inspired by a recipe I found here, on a blog called Crave the Good. Not only did the recipe sound and look delicious but it also seemed to be a very quick and easy make!
 Steak & Pasta Salad 
I am a huge fan of quick and easy wherever possible. Not that I am lazy, but any time that I can cook and prepare a meal that gets me out of the kitchen quicker then you can count me in!
I suppose after having spent years and years on my feet for over 10 hours a day cooking complicated and fancy good, I am now at the point where I don't really like to do that unless I really have to!
Steak & Pasta Salad
It's called being retired!  That is not to say that I don't sometimes like to challenge myself and cook something a bit more complicated or try new things. Its just that generally speaking, I like to keep things very simple.
I can and sometimes still do complicated, but at the age of almost 68 it is now on my own terms and nobody else's. My ex boss actually contacted me about a year and a half ago asking me to come back and work for them at their home in the Bahamas,  or at the very least train a new chef for them.
Steak & Pasta Salad 
I can't say that I wasn't sorely tempted. I mean my own cottage/home on a beach front property in the Bahamas . . .  who wouldn't be.  But in all honesty I love my little life here in Nova Scotia.
My little home with my much beloved cats.  Living near my family and living life on my own terms and nobody else's.  I don't think you could pay me enough to make me want to give all of this up now!
Steak & Pasta Salad 
Very simple ingredients and not a lot of them.
  • 4 ounces (115g/scant cup) pasta, such as fusilli, shells, etc.
  • a handful of cooked string beans, crispy tender
  • 1/2 cup (4 ounces/115g) well seasoned grilled steak, cut into bite sized pieces
  • 3 slices of crispy cooked bacon, crumbled
  • 3 TBS grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 TBS good quality mayonnaise
  • 2 TBS sour cream
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • seasoning to taste (Montreal Steak seasoning, salt and pepper)

Steak & Pasta Salad 
The only fusilli I had in the house was tri-colored.  Naturally died with spinach, tomatoes, etc.  So green, reddish and white.   I recommend for a nicer looking salad you use a pasta that is all one color.  I like to use what I have on hand however, especially when I am using leftovers.
My steak was very simply seasoned with garlic, salt and pepper. It was suggested in the original recipe that your steak be highly seasoned and she recommended Montreal Steak seasoning, and so I added some of that
Steak & Pasta Salad 
You will need crisp cooked bacon for this. I popped my bacon onto a lined baking sheet and cooked it in the oven at 400*F/200*C for about 15 minutes until crisp. (I did double the amount needed so that I can have some for a bacon and tomato sandwich later this week.)
I added a bit extra bacon and cheese as well. That way I could sprinkle a bit on top to serve. I also added a layer of shredded romaine lettuce to spoon the salad onto.  This was for presentation purposes and looks, but it actually tasted good as well! 
Steak & Pasta Salad 
I guess I used about half a head of romaine lettuce hearts, shredded with a sharp knife.   I actually got a good deal on a bag of reduced romaine a few weeks ago.  It was on its sell by date, and 50% off.
There were a few leaves on the outside of each head that needed discarding as they were slightly discolored, but the rest of the lettuce was in excellent shape.  And here I am a couple weeks later, still using it.  There is nothing wrong with it at all.
Steak & Pasta Salad 

Nothing could be easier.  This goes together very quickly so long as you have the steak and the vegetables already cooked. 

Cook the pasta to al dente according to the package directions. Drain well, rinse under cold running water to cool off and drain again. Gently pat dry and pop into a bowl.Chop the beans into 1 inch pieces and cut the steak into bite sized pieces. Sprinkle the steak with some of the Montreal steak seasoning to taste. Put the beans and steak into the bowl with the pasta.

Steak & Pasta Salad 
Whisk together the mayonnaise, sour cream and vinegar until smooth. Season lightly with some salt and pepper. Pour this over the steak, vegetables and pasta, tossing to coat everything.

Gently fold in 2/3 each of the bacon and the cheese. Sprinkle the remainder over top and serve immediately.

Steak & Pasta Salad
This was really easy and simple to make and very delicious.  Such a simple salad and it enabled me to use up my leftovers in a very tasty way.  I like to use up as much of my food as possible. I really dislike waste!
As I said the lettuce was not a part of the recipe, but something I added for presentation purposes, but it actually ended up tasting pretty good and adding an addition texture to the salad.
It is not a salad that keeps well however. The past will absorb the dressing and dry out a bit, so do  bear that in mind when making and serving.  If you are bringing it in your lunch to work, add the dressing at work!  Problem solved!
Steak & Pasta Salad

Some other main dish salads that you might enjoy that I have prepared here in The English Kitchen are:

GRILLED CHICKEN CAESAR SALAD Grilled chicken, seasoned with my own Montreal Chicken Seasoning, along with crisp Cos (romaine) lettuce leaves, Streaky bacon, Crisp garlic croutons, plenty of Parmesan Reggiano Cheese and a brilliantly flavorful Caesar dressing complete the picture for a nice light supper everyone will love! 

LAYERED COBB SALAD - Not only delicious but very pretty to look at as well.  It has all of the elements of the infamous Cobb Salad, stacked in a tasty tower . . . crisp iceberg lettuce, rich and indulgent creamy ripe avocado . . .  ripe sweet tomatoes, sharp spring onions  . . .  crisp and salty bacon and  rich and tangy blue cheese.  All with a deliciously creamy dressing!  Makes for a lovely  luncheon dish on its own or an amazing side dish when you are entertaining.

Yield: 2 - 3Author: Marie Rayner
Steak & Pasta Salad

Steak & Pasta Salad

Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 10 MinTotal time: 25 MinThis wonderful salad is a delicious way to use up leftover grilled steak. No waste here! Its a tasty combination of pasta, steak, crispy tender vegetables, cheese, bacon, and a rich tangy dressing!


  • 4 ounces (115g/scant cup) pasta, such as fusilli, shells, etc.
  • a handful of cooked string beans, crispy tender
  • 1/2 cup (4 ounces/115g) well seasoned grilled steak, cut into bite sized pieces
  • 3 slices of crispy cooked bacon, crumbled
  • 3 TBS grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 TBS good quality mayonnaise
  • 2 TBS sour cream
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • seasoning to taste (Montreal Steak seasoning, salt and pepper)


  1. Cook the pasta to al dente according to the package directions. Drain well, rinse under cold running water to cool off and drain again. Gently pat dry and pop into a bowl.
  2. Chop the beans into 1 inch pieces and cut the steak into bite sized pieces. Sprinkle the steak with some of the Montreal steak seasoning to taste. Put the beans and steak into the bowl with the pasta.
  3. Whisk together the mayonnaise, sour cream and vinegar until smooth. Season lightly with some salt and pepper. Pour this over the steak, vegetables and pasta, tossing to coat everything.
  4. Gently fold in 2/3 each of the bacon and the cheese. Sprinkle the remainder over top and serve immediately.
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Steak & Pasta Salad

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