Poll after poll has shown that President Obama's job approval rating has rebounded recently (while that of Congress is still extremely low). These charts don't reflect the president's recent ratings, but his job approval rating in each state for the entire year of 2014. The chart above shows the 15 states with the highest ratings, and the chart at the bottom shows the 15 states with the lowest ratings. If you state is not on either list, you can go to the Gallup Poll site to see its rating.
The highest presidential job rating was in the District of Columbia (84%), but I didn't include it in the charts because it isn't a state. I thought it was interesting that even in the states with the lowest approval of the job President Obama is doing, the rating is still significantly higher than the most recent Gallup Poll rating of congressional job approval (16%).
These charts were made from surveys taken by the Gallup Poll from January through December of 2014 of a random national sample of 177,034 adults. The margin of error for each individual state ranged between 3% and 6%, depending on the size of that state's sample.