
Starting Something New: BuJo

Posted on the 01 July 2016 by Krickeyb

Bullet Journal

The first time I saw “BuJo” written online, I thought it was the name of a dog or something. Who is this Bujo and why should I care about him? The queen of abbreviating things couldn’t figure out that BuJo was an abbreviation for something great. Who would have guessed? Haha!

So, what is BuJo short for? Bullet Journal. Totally makes sense now, right? I first discovered Bullet Journals on Pinterest. I was looking for simple techniques to make journaling a more consistent part of my routine. When searching through thousands of pins, I came across TONS that referenced this “BuJo,” followed by adorable journal pages filled with what looked like a planner. Needless to say, I was super confused and incredibly intrigued. I can’t think of a better combo, to be honest.

I decided to search Google for more info on this BuJo and I was pleasantly surprised to find many bloggers who are hip to this new fad. (Okay, I am not sure this is a fad, but it is new and popular amongst the organized community.) I discovered a blogger/YouTuber named Kara Benz, also known as, “BohoBerry.” I fell in love with pretty much every aspect to this amazing woman. Her Bullet Journal posts and videos gave me inspiration that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

Photo Credit:

I am a pretty organized person, but every since my surgery last March, I felt lost/disconnected. I searched for pleasure and balance down many avenues; none of which filled the void. The moment I laid eyes on these BuJos, I knew this was what I needed to bring back happiness, organization, and most of all, balance, to my life. Well, I am sure you can guess what happened next… I joined in on this awesome journal community. (No seriously. I joined a Facebook group and everything!)

What is a Bullet Journal? explains it best, y’all. A BuJo “is a customizable and forgiving organization system. It can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above. It will teach you to do more with less.” Amazing! I know!

Naturally, I had to share my newfound love on Faithful Elephant. Duh! I am still new to this and am starting pretty late in the year, but I am certain that this will prove to be a healthy and effective way for me to live a balanced, happy, lifestyle. We all learn differently. Our minds grasp concepts in unique ways. You know how it is. This method of journaling/planning may work for one person and not the next. Trial and error, folks.


As of now, I am loving this method. It already suits me because I am a visual learner who responds well to color coding, symbols, and taking things one day at a time. What I love most about Bullet Journals is that you have the option to be as simple or creative as you would like. Some people get distracted with color and illustrations whereas others need it.

I cannot take credit for the creative ideas. To jump start my BuJo, I borrowed (more like borrowed without intending on returning) some of the adorable ideas that Boho Berry shared online. I couldn’t resist. As a newbie, I think it is totally acceptable, wouldn’t you say? My goal for myself is to become more independent and creative with each new BuJo. We gotta start somewhere, am I right?

Without further ado, let me share with you how I set up my BuJo for July! You will notice one or two pages I left out. They are pages that include important, personal, information. For example, my Level 10 Life spread. To learn more about “Level 10 Life,” be sure to click the link to BohoBerry’s blog above.

Please share with me your thoughts on this journal method, as well as any ideas you may have to make the journal more creative or effective. Please respect that this is a method that I am enjoying. If you prefer a classic planner or simple to do lists, that is okay!We are all independent thinkers. Do what works for you and what makes you happy.

Starting Something New: BuJo
Starting Something New: BuJo
Starting Something New: BuJo
Starting Something New: BuJo
Starting Something New: BuJo
Starting Something New: BuJo
Starting Something New: BuJo

What do you do to stay organized? I would love to share ideas! Thanks to Boho Berry for your AMAZING tutorials and posts.

Completely unwarranted life lesson from a married woman #11: When making plans or getting organized, ask your significant other what they want too. For example, I asked David if there was anything in particular he would like for me to track this month. We decided to track how often we drink water, exercise, and get more than seven hours of sleep!

Starting Something New: BuJo

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