
Star Trek: Discovery (3×07) Unification III Review

Posted on the 27 November 2020 by Indianjagran

For our review of the last episode of Star Trek: Discovery, click here.

Synopsis: While grappling with the fallout of her recent actions, and what her future might hold, Burnham agrees to represent the Federation in an intense debate about the release of politically sensitive – but highly valuable – Burn data. (IMDb)

Unification III is the sequel to a two-part arc of The Next Generation that saw Picard and crew help Ambassador Spock with the reunification of two warring tribes: the Vulcans and the Romulans. This episode shows the conclusion of that desire for reunification with the newly named Ni’Var (formerly Vulcan) where both of these species now reside. This storyline wouldn’t be complete without a cameo of Leonard Nimoy himself from the original episodes. However, Unification III is about more than just that unity.

The main plot is about Burnham’s demotion and struggle with where she fits into Starfleet. She feels a distance between her and their ideals, especially with Book now in her life. As the episode progresses, Burnham is tasked with going to Ni’Var and hopefully convince them to rejoin the Federation, despite the fact that both Vulcans and Romulans agree that the Burn was directly caused by the Federation’s experimental warp alternative called SB-19.

Thanks to Burnham’s knowledge of Vulcan tradition and T’Kal-in-ket, they manage to get an audience with the scientific institute. However, Burnham is granted an advocate for this matter who happens to be her own mother Gabrielle! She has become part of the Romulan Qowat Milat warrior nuns seen from Star Trek: Picard. Another reunification!

The trial goes pretty much as expected. The Vulcans and Romulans are obviously anti-Federation and Gabrielle makes Burnham look terrible in front of the court, saying she is untrusting and a pawn of the Federation. This all comes to a head as Michael withdraws her request in respect of her brother’s goal for unity and this pushes the Ni’Var president to give them the data they requested. Only took besmirching her already besmirched image.

Meanwhile, the subplot of the episode revolves around Saru asking Tilly to become his Number One. She is terrified of the huge promotion, and Stamets is shocked at this decision. However, the crew rallies behind her and convinces their crewmate to take the position and that they will follow her anywhere. The final unification.

In a way, Unification III is aptly named for both its third position in a Star Trekkian storyline as well as being an episode filled with three different narratives surrounding unity: the unity of Ni’Var and the Federation, the unity of Burnham and her mother and the unity of the Discovery crew. All three of these storylines do justice to the lore of Trek, but becomes more than just a sequel. It does not bore and leaves you wanting more at the midpoint of this season, which is exactly what an episode focused on character and lore needs to do.

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What did you think of “Unification III”? Let me know in the comments below!

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