
Star Renegades Unlock Characters Guide

Posted on the 18 March 2021 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 18 March, 2021

Star Renegades Unlock Characters guide – Unlock hidden unique classes and also Alternate Progenies, we provide you all the combinations

Star Renegades Unlock Characters  – Hidden unique classes

These four hidden classes are obtainable once the player has successfully paired two specific characters together during a run, or also by bolstering their relationship during a campfire segment > fill the relationship meter to four hearts (soulmates)

  • Valkyrie + Archon = The Varangian
  • Commando + Saboteur = The Gunslinger
  • Aegis + Enforcer = The Juggernaut
  • Empath + Marksman = The Spectre
  • Paragon (*)

(*) Paragon is not hidden, just locked, but you will unlock this character after winning your first run

Once unlocked the hidden class will be available for purchase at the Quantum Synchronizer shop at the main hub

Star Renegades Unlock Characters  – Alternate Progenies

Alternate Progenies are alternate art variations of their parents, but with different stats & skills

2 Progenies

These are all the known parents that can create two progenies:

  • Aegis + Paragon
  • Aegis + Saboteur
  • Archon + Empath
  • Aegis + Spectre
  • Commando + Empath
  • Commando + Varangian
  • Enforcer + Marksman
  • Enforcer + Varangian
  • Marksman + Juggernaut
  • Spectre + Paragon
  • Spectre + Saboteur
  • Valkyrie + Gunslinger
  • Spectre + Varangian
  • Saboteur + Paragon
  • Empath + Commando

4 Hearts

These are all the 4 hearts relationships:

  • Gunslinger + Valkyrie
  • Gunslinger + Archon
  • Spectre + Archon
  • Spectre + Juggernaut
  • Commando + Marksman

3 Hearts

These are all the 3 hearts relationships:

  • Saboteur: Valkyrie and also Archon
  • Enforcer: Valkyrie, Saboteur and also Archon
  • Aegis: Archon, Saboteur and also Spectre
  • Marksman: Archon, Saboteur and also Aegis
  • Empath: Saboteur and also Enforcer
  • Varangian: Archon, Saboteur, Aegis, Marksman and also Empath
  • Paragon: Valkyrie, Archon, Enforcer, Marksman, Empath, Varangian and also Juggernaut
  • Valkyrie: Saboteur, Enforcer and also Paragon
  • Archon: Saboteur, Enforcer, Aegis, Marksman and also Varangian

If you find more possible combinations please let us know and leave us a comment so we can update this guide

Star Renegades Unlock Characters  – Successfully paired

Alternate progenies will take the color scheme of the other parent. So if you paired up Spectre + Saboteur, you will get the alternate progenie of Spectre, but with Saboteur’s color scheme

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