Dear participant to the StariwAI SMEs pilot implementation, congratulation for been in the final 14-een that has managed to join the program! Dear SMEs that are not in the pilot, do not despair there will be other opportunities, this is just the beginning!
Photo by Tara Winstead on
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" width="790" height="527" src="" alt="SME in their AI based digital strategy" class="wp-image-2431" srcset=" 1880w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 600w, 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 790px) 100vw, 790px" data-recalc-dims="1" />In both cases you have my respect and support for trying to understand how HPC, AI, Big Data and Industry 4.0 can be used in your business.
I am honored and humbled that you selected me as part of your portfolio of experts for understanding how to leverage AI based technologies in your company. I am also expressing my gratitude to the StarwAI for supporting candidature as expert.
Please consider the following, prior contacting me:
- StairwAI is using a matchmaking tool to propose to each SME the list of AI Experts that fit the pilot’s scope and needs. Obviously you make the final decision on the Expert or Experts that would like to cooperate with. In addition, you free to select any Experts from the list of validated Experts, not proposed by the matchmaking tool. However, you may want to give a shot to the matchmaking tool first.
- You may want to drop me a line informally before moving forward, I will be happy to answer to your questions and take a virtual (or physical) coffee and discuss your ideas. In this way I may be able to understand if we are a good fit for each other and if I can really provide value to you.
- StairwAI is planning a second support program in 2023. Therefore if we will not have the possibility to work together in this round, do not despair; we will be able to do it at the next iteration.
Where to know more:
Finally, let me thanks AI4EU for bring together AI stakeholders and resources, overcoming fragmentation issues and encouraging the acceleration of AI-based innovations. In particular for supporting SMEs that may be left behind due to their limited capability to acquire competences in this current market.
Happy to support the StarwAI Project and AI4EU in their mission of supporting SMEs in their strategies for #DataScience #AI #industry40 and #hpc .
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