Food & Drink Magazine

St. Patty's Day Cookies

By Shanlakes

St. Patty's Day cookies
It's official. I look at every holiday as an excuse to bake cookies, cakes, and all sorts of desserts. I manipulate the recipes to fit each holiday as best as I can. However, out of all the holidays I can safely say, that Saint Patrick's Day has never really done it for me. Sure, I drink beer, go out with friends, and paint my nails green. But other than that, that is the extent of my Saint Patrick's day participation. However, this year, I am extending my celebrating to baking and cooking for the holiday as well. These cookies will be the first of many! xxSt. Patty's Day cookies
St. Patty's Day cookies
St. Patty's Day cookies
St. Patty's Day cookies

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