Business Magazine Hits The Market Including Operating Business, Trademarks & Patents Pending

Posted on the 06 December 2012 by Worldwide @thedomains

The category killer domain name has just hit the market.

But the is not just a domain sale.

It includes a profitable business, federal trademarks and patents pending”

The domain name is being brokered by

Here are some interesting facts from the Press Release:

“The domain is being sold by SSL Corp, the profitable business running for the past 12 years”

“SSL’s across the industry are sold with hefty margins, averaging a whopping 70% profit, with most businesses needing them in order to function online. ”

“The sale of the domain name and business provides a unique opportunity for an edge over the competition in a highly profitable industry with proven year over year growth.”

“Netcraft, the respected internet researcher specializing in security features, documents a steady growth of about 30% each year in the number of websites using SSL.

Furthermore, Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC) became the leader in SSL sales when they acquired that business from VeriSign (Nasdaq: VRSN) in 2010 for a reported $1.28 billion in cash.

“Along with the existing customer base and premium domain name, the sale also includes federal trademarks, vanity phone numbers, and patents pending. issues their own root certificates – and one of their pending patents could be significant in how the industry presents brands within the SSL image.”

“Andrew Rosener, CEO of Media Options, commented, “With a premium domain like and the intellectual property associated with it, a new owner could easily multiply profits with just a little bit of marketing, SEO or strategic partnerships.”

“Within the SSL industry, the average profit margin per certificate is around 70% – a significant profit for any industry. ”

“Unusual, however, is the budget for marketing. Due to its unique domain name, the existing customer base for has grown organically, without requiring financing, with virtually no product marketing or advertisement. ”

“The domain name itself attracts customers, inspiring confidence.”

“In addition, the domain has tremendous value for search engine ranking. ”

“In fact, last week, a former Google search specialist underlined the importance of a domain name needing to include the keyword for the product a website sells, citing that as the very first in his list for increasing search engine ranking. ”

“The domain was acquired in 2007 for a rumored $5 million. ”

“Premium properties like this are so exclusive, in fact, that eager investors snapped it up and actually formed an SEO company to build on the domain.

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