Food & Drink Magazine

Sprinkle Mind Glitter

By Ally @allykitchen

Glitter. It's that shiny stuff that makes you smile. It's something that adds sparkle and pizaaazzz to your life. It's shiny. It's happy. It's magical. I believe we all can sprinkle mind glitter, and it's what's called dreaming.

Yes, this is my belief. My mantra. Never stop dreaming. This mind glitter has no expiration date. Doesn't matter what your age or stage in life. You must never lose your joy of dreaming because these are the seeds of change, making things happen and creating newness in your life on your own terms. One of the things that I love most about my grandchildren when they are small, and I have three now that are five and under (and four that are 20 and older), is their insatiable appetite for dreaming and imagining. They don't see boundaries. Stop signs. Obstacles. Hurdles. They only see that yes it can happen simply by creating the scenario in your mind. I never want them to lose this sense of freedom and possibilites.

Now dreams come in all sizes, shapes and types. Whatever brings sparkle to your life. Whatever makes you happy. Whatever gives you inspiration. A lift. A smile. A challenge. That's the magic of dreaming. dreams have no expiration date ~ally

Some think that dreaming is only for the young. Dreaming of different things that will happen in life. Planning and making these dreams come true. I actually didn't realize that when I was young. I thought once you got a certain age, you stopped dreaming. But, now that I'm one of those seasoned mature people, I see the exact opposite. Dreams don't have to stop just because you're older. You don't have to lapse into a mode of 'rest' and 'kicking back' in life. I see that dreams defy the prime of our life, whatever that age might be. And, for some it's well into their 50s and beyond! I mean imagine the world if Julia Childs had not dreamed a wild dream. Grandma Moses. Colonel Sanders. Ronald Reagan. Age is only a number. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less. It's all about how you deal with that number. What your mindset is. Your attitude. Yes, you are in control. The driver's seat. You can write your script at anytime in life.

sprinkle mind glitter

Dreams are nothing more than imagination. That same imagination that drove you as a child. When you thought could becomes anything you wanted to be. A super hero. A movie star. A rock n' roll singer. A runway model. A princess. A prince. Owner of an airplane. The boss of your big farm. A cowboy. Police chief. Astronaut. Chef. Whatever your mind could visualize, then you could dream. And, I did sooooooooo much of this dreaming growing up in Applachia where my sisters and I would climb into the mountains and our secret clubhouse 'King Wensel's Palace'. Yes, at KWP I dreamed of soaring and doing things that I'd only seen on television or read in a book.

I still dream. All the time. I dream of new recipes. I dream of traveling to new places and meeting people I've never met before. I dream of hosting beautiful dinner parties and watching the smiles on folks' faces. I dream of rafting down the Colorado River. I dream in big time technicolor. I dream crazy things, too. Traveling on a show with Anthony Bourdain. Performing on Broadway (I love stage productions!). I dream of cooking on TV. And, not just a local station.

Yes, cooking on a major television show. Side by side with my chef heroes that I watch as they create delicious foods. So, turn on your imagination. See what can happen. You just might find that fairytales do come true, it can happen to you, if you're young at heart.

Sprinkle the mind glitter~ Come share the dreaming

xoxo ~peace & namaste~ ally

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