Spring·time sadness noun \ˈspriŋ-ˌtīm ˈsad ˈne-ss\
: allergies that occur during the season of spring
1: Watch out for:
- Sneezing
- Runny Nose
- Wheezing
- Urticaria
- Excess Catarrh
- Anaphylactic Shock (Breathing Difficulty)
- Edema
- Heart Failure
2: AKA Allergies
Used in a Sentence:
She got that Springtime Sadness!
First Known Use of SPRINGTIME
21st century (Lana Del Rey’s song “Springtime Sadness”) :)
Is it a Cold or that Springtime Sadness?
Here are some home remedies to cure that Springtime Sadness!
Eat organic foods for detoxification.
Chebulic Myrobalan for: eczema
Bitter orange for: asthma and other respiratory allergies.
Chinese Herbalism
Nose inflammation pills for: sneezing, itchy eyes, facial congestion, sinus pain, rhinitis and nasal allergies.
Nettle Tea topically for: Urticaria
-Echinacea acts as a natural antibiotic and builds immunity:
-Take Echineacea three times a as an infusion or a few drops of tincture in warm water.
-Other herbs: chamomile, elderflower, red clover, yarrow
-Add a small amount of Ginseng powder to herbal drinks to overcome the tendency to allergic attacks such as hay fever.
-Eat honey with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to reduce allergens.
-Garlic, angelica, wild yam, and borage boost immunity
-Elderflower tea for sinuses
-Chamomile, Linden or cardamom for stomach
-Rosemary baths or Chamomile washes for skin allergies
-Arnica for shock by injury
Vitamins and Minerals
-You definitely want to increase your immunity when you have allergies. You also want to have a diet high in proteins.
So to increase immunity, increase consumptions of:
-Magnesium: seafood, beans, nuts
-Vitamin B: yeast extract, meat
-Iron: liver, sesame seeds, dried fruits
-Zinc: eggs, nuts, seeds
-Vitamin C: fresh fruits and vegetables
Take pollen supplements, evening primrose, blackcurrant seed oil, and fatty acids to prevent allergies.
To increase bowel health take Acidophilus daily.
-Take antihistamine pills
Last but not least stay indoors as much as possible, take care of your body, figure out if you have allergies or just a cold, if your health gets worse consult a doctor.
Stay Healthy!
- “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies” by C. Norman Shealy MD, PHD
- http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/cold-guide/common-cold-or-allergy-symptoms
- http://lilliemcferrin.com/five-sentence-fiction-flowers/
- http://hoholok.com/home-remedies/