60+ Amazing Spring Trivia Questions and Answers
There are many fun facts and spring trivia about this season. For instance, did you know that the first day of spring is called the vernal equinox? This day is when the sun is directly above the equator, and day and night are of equal length.
Did you know that April showers bring May flowers? It’s true! Spring is a time of rebirth and growth when the world comes alive again after the long winter months.
The first signs of spring are always a welcome sight after a long winter. The days start to get longer, the snow starts to melt, and the flowers start to bloom. It’s a time of new beginnings when the world starts to come back to life after a long period of dormancy.
For many people, spring is a time of renewed hope and happiness. The bleakness of winter is behind us, and the warmer months ahead are full of promise. We start to make plans for the future and set our sights on the things we want to achieve.
No matter what our individual experiences with spring may be, it is a time of great natural beauty. The world comes alive again, and we are reminded of the cycle of life.
Listed below is a quiz with facts about spring. The good news for people who experience anxiety is that this time of year provide a fantastic opportunity to throw open the windows and allow some fresh air in. What a relief! season of the year when vitamin D supplements naturally work most. Playing enjoyable spring trivia games with loved ones may be a great way to test your springtime knowledge while soaking in the morning light.
Spring Trivia
1. Which day does spring begin in the Northern Hemisphere?
Show AnswerMarch 212. What holiday does not occur during spring?
Show AnswerSt. Patrick’s Day3. Which spring allergies are intensified?
Show AnswerIncrease of pollen from flowers4. Spring symbolizes what?
Show AnswerRebirth5. What is Hanami?
Show AnswerA Japanese tradition to welcome springClick here to read: 75+ Summer Trivia Questions and Answers
6. In which season does May Day, commonly known as Labor Day, occur?
Show AnswerSpring7. Spring follows which season?
Show AnswerSummer8. In which country Tulip Festival is a spring festival celebrated?
Show AnswerCanada9. What month does spring begin in Australia?
Show AnswerSeptember10. Why does daylight increase in spring?
Show AnswerThe axis increases its tilt toward the sun.11. What does the yellow spring flower call?
Show AnswerDaffodil12. Why people gift daffodils during spring?
Show AnswerThese happy flowers symbolize new beginnings.13. Which spring flower grows in the woods?
Show AnswerPrimrose14. What is a tunic?
Show AnswerIt is a brown papery fiber used to cover the bulb of a spring flower.15. Which country celebrates the Baba Marta Day spring festival?
Show AnswerBulgariaAlso try this: 60+ Exciting Parks and Rec Trivia Questions and Answers
16. Why birds are more vocal as they sing to attract?
Show AnswerAttract mates and warn rivals17. The largest part of a flower is called what?
Show AnswerPetals18. What is Holi?
Show AnswerIt is the Indian festival of colors, marking the beginning of spring.19. Who was the goddess of spring in the Romans?
Show AnswerFlora20. Which is the second festival celebrated throughout India to mark the onset of spring.
Show AnswerBaisakhiFree Spring Trivia Questions and Answers
21. What is meant by Semana Santa?
Show AnswerIt is the Easter week celebrated in Guatemala every spring.22. How people of Bosnia celebrate spring?
Show AnswerWith a festival called Cimburijada, known as “the festival of scrambled eggs”.23. What is Imbolc?
Show AnswerGaelic traditional festival that marks the beginning of spring.24. In which country Fallas is a spring festival celebrated?
Show AnswerSpain25. What is a Jewish spring festival?
Show AnswerPesachYou may like this: 80+ Exciting Wedding Trivia Questions and Answers
26. Which animal hibernates, then wakes in spring?
Show AnswerBear27. What spring animal can see the earth’s magnetic field?
Show AnswerBaby Fox28. Which animal is the mascot of spring?
Show AnswerBunny29. In which country Cimburijada is a spring festival celebrated?
Show AnswerBosnia30. What spring mammal has the thickest fur?
Show AnswerOtters31. Which spring fever is associated with?
Show AnswerDaydreamingSpring Trivia Quiz Answers Quiz Factory
32. People gift daffodils during spring why?
Show AnswerThese happy flowers symbolize new beginnings.33. What is the national flower of the US?
Show AnswerRose34. Which flower is toxic to cats?
Show AnswerLily35. What flower is sacred for Buddhists?
Show AnswerLotusAlso read: 65+ Wisconsin trivia Questions
36. The rarest color of Rose is what?
Show AnswerBlue37. How much spend Americans each year on cut flowers?
Show Answer$6.2 billion38. What red Christmas flower came from Mexico?
Show AnswerPoinsettia39. What would be your job title if you work in a flower shop?
Show AnswerFlorist40. Which country has daffodil as the national flower?
Show AnswerWales.Spring Trivia Multiple Choice
41. What U.S. city is usually considered the birthplace of spring break?
- Fort Lauderdale
- New York
- Boston
42. How many ounces are in a standard beer?
- 1 ounce of beer
- 10 ounces of beer
- 12 ounces of beer
43. What movie ushered in the modern spring break?
- Golden Girl
- Where the boys are
- Harry Porter
44. How much do students spend each year on spring break?
- $10 Million
- $5 Billion
- $1 Billion
45. What percent of spring breakers don’t use condoms?
- 25% of students
- 75% of students
- 50% of students
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46. Why did spring break traffic to Fort Lauderdale spike during the 1940s?
- German submarine activity
- Australian mechanical problem
- England’s submarines arrive late
47. What is an “alternative spring break”?
- Serve Communities in a meaningful way
- Donate to Communities for welfare
- Motivate people
48. What video series featured girls on spring break exposing their bodies?
- Girls Gone Wild
- Girl wants people’s attention
- They want some new boys
49. How many Americans are arrested abroad each year during spring break?
- 500 American citizens
- 100 American citizens
- 2500 American citizens
50. What year did Florida raise the legal drinking age to 21?
- 1965
- 1970
- 1985
51. How long did it take for the spring break tradition to catch on?
- 5 years
- 2 years
- 4 years
Spring Equinox Trivia
52. What is called the first day of spring?
Show AnswerVernal Equinox53. What do you mean by “equinox”?
Show AnswerEqual night54. What happens to the day and night during the vernal equinox?
Show AnswerDay and night are of equal duration.55. How many varieties is the Heinz Company famous for its slogan?
Show Answer57 VarietiesDon’t forget to read this: 137+ Sports trivia questions with answer [Modern and Updated]
56. Leo the Lion was the symbol of which film studio?
Show AnswerMGM57. Which is the most common spring outdoor activity for kids?
Show AnswerFlying a kite58. What is the meaning of ‘spring chicken’?
Show AnswerYoung59. Who is the Goddess of spring?
Show AnswerGoddess Flora60. The spring season has how many different names?
Show AnswerFour61. English spring buns are traditionally called?
Show AnswerHot cross buns