Lifestyle Magazine
Whee, it has been a while since I go for such an intense date. Lol. Now that I am older and have poorer stamina, I barely spend a day out of my house. Half a day is considered rather exhausting! I need my nap! *Complains*So after lessons, we went to do our Dynamic Duo Challenge. Normally, it would be considered out of the way. But since I had to collect my race pack too, I guess it is not that inconvenient. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I wanted a free shoe bag for my sports stuff. Even took my BF's free shoe bag so I have 2 to realize (scolded too by my Mum) that I already have 1 at home. It is still on tomorrow, so you guys could join it too. I was there really for the shoe bag and hopefully snag some great prizes. But the goodie bag was pretty amazing. I have now a new diffuser (which I was contemplating getting one to make fruity-tasting-zero-nutritional-value water) and skipping rope. It seems so long since I last skipped. I was a pretty good skipper in elementary school. Maybe it is time to learn some new skip tricks :D.The challenge was really fun but too chillax for my competitive nature when it coming to winning prizes. I was so pumped up to "play it to win it". I was so onz about the whole challenge, I even made the BF wore our "Today I do Nothing" Couple Tee, which is kinda of ironical cos we did so much things today. Haha. There were other couples equally enthusiastic as well. So hey, don't judge me!I don't usually go to the East, so the BF made me do a lot of exploration (walking). We had lunch at Nangfa Thai Kitchen which I felt rather similar to Nakhon Kitchen. The vibes, the food, everything was the same. But both serve affordable, Thai food. So if you are around the restaurants' area, do give them a try. :DI am pretty proud of myself because for the first time I didn't over-order (Only the Tom kha gai and Phad Thai tang hoon)! And we did try dishes that were off the norm. I prefer Tom Kha Gai to the normal Tom Yum cos of the thicker condensed milk taste. But still, I had to do my Dynamic Duo Challenge with a bursting belly. After the challenge, we went to collect my race pack. Yes, I am joining the Road & Trail 2017. It is 8KM so I hoped I don't "漏气“ and complete the race. I haven't tried anything like this before and it does seem I am the most unfit among the pack. I guess people will be judging me but just let them judge...cos I need to start somewhere. Hopefully, after this, I will be more inspired to lead a very active lifestyle.The race pack came with a neon pink bottle (I am off pink but neon pink still does makes my heart pump wildly) and a thread-bound notebook. The notebook is one of the finest "free notebook" quality. Am so loving it <3 Will write more about my 8KM after I am done with it so do keep a lookout if you are feeling active too.After our really long day, the BF and I went to cook dinner! I decided to do a post for every 3 meals we make ourselves to share and maybe inspire to eat in more :D Hope you like this new series for the year. Take care and bye!