But what everyone seems to miss is that the sports that people play the most are the sports that kids can easily play. And "easy" means:
- minimal equipment
- no fixed minimum number of players
- simple surfaces
- little maintenance required
- no judges
- no supervision, low risk of injury
If you look the sports that are the most popular in each country, they fit the same pattern.
1) Football. See above.2) Basketball. You need a ball, a hard surface, a hoop and a couple of mates3) Cricket. You need a tree in a park (or in India, portable stumps), a bat, a ball, some flat ground and half a dozen mates.4) Baseball. A ball, some jumpers, some mates, a park and a glove
So, the answer isn't to spend £9 bn on a massive 3 week sporting bondoogle. It's to spend a fraction of that on leaving people with open spaces, and the council sending out a cleaning team to pick up any drug needles, condoms or other unsavoury items.