Books Magazine

Spooky Bookshelves!

By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

Sometimes when I tell people about our “October’s Month of the Macabre” celebration, I feel the need to explain how a book blog can make Halloween so relevant. Here is just one of the ways!

We love decorating for Halloween in my house, and one of my most favorite fixtures is, of course, my set of bookshelves!

This is the first year that I’ve ever used those spiderwebs that you get in a bag, and my husband did our bookshelves. I think they turned out pretty neat!

Spooky Bookshelves!

Spooky Bookshelves!

Spooky Bookshelves!

Also, I wanted to feature the horror books we have in our bathroom. Yes, bathroom. All year round (not just October) we have a horror, gothic themed bathroom that I’m kind of in love with. Some of our friends’ kids are actually afraid to use it. And I get a sick sort of joy out of it!

Spooky Bookshelves!

Spooky Bookshelves!

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