Hello lovers!
I just posted a mini book review on The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight on my other blog: Click here to check it out ;)
I also got the package I ordered from Amazon so now I have two new decals on my laptop! If you think it’s tacky, save me the sob story please. I grew up playing Mario Bros. with my dad and sisters. What better way to spruce up my boring laptop lid than to get a Yoshi decal! There are sooo many designs to choose from but I thought this (Yoshi) was the least tackiest one so that’s why I got him. The seller was kind enough to give me a couple of free stickers and I didn’t want those to go to waste so I attached the mushroom on the bottom. Please excuse the poor quality of the photos.


No plans this weekend so I’m just gonna be stuck at home, probably watch a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother, The Walking Dead Season 2 or re-watch the first season of Game of Thrones. And of course it goes without saying, read a book (or two). Happy weekend!