Right now, there are over 75 sapphic books to choose from during the 99-cent Sapphic Ebook Sale at I Heart Lesfic, ranging from romance and rom-coms to science fiction and fantasy. How did this wondrous thing come to be?
Well, the world was a different place a few years back, and we're not talking about how no one had even heard of a KN95 mask, let alone contemplated buying them in different colors to match their outfits. Sapphic fiction-or what the cool kids were calling Lesfic, (okay, maybe not the actual cool kids, but that was what many were calling it)-was really taking off from its niche-publisher and fan fiction roots, especially as more authors discovered the exciting possibility of indie publishing.
Unfortunately, many traditional avenues were shut to these up-and-coming authors. A lot of the big book advertisers didn't accept LGBTQ+ content at all. Many places that did, skewed heavily toward gay male romance. Reviews were hard to come by, especially without the backing of a publisher. And don't get us started on how many bare-chested men graced the covers of books that had been mis-categorized as lesbian fiction on the Amazon bestseller charts.
It was out of this environment that TB Markinson came up with the idea for I Heart Lesfic in 2017, hoping to create a place for all sapphic fiction where the virtual doors wouldn't slam in an author's face because they didn't know a secret handshake or belong to a special club. 2022 marks five years since IHL launched, and the website's views, visitors, mailing list, and social media followers all keep growing.
One of the best things about IHL is that all sapphic authors are welcome to join, and it doesn't cost authors or readers a penny. This is why we've become one of the largest gatherings of both independent and traditionally published sapphic authors on the planet. Coming together like this drastically improves visibility for all authors, whether new to the business or seasoned pros. And it means readers get the chance to find the stories they crave in the rich diversity that makes up the modern sapphic fiction landscape without gatekeepers blocking their way.
Curious to check it out for yourself? Hop over to the 99-cent Sapphic Ebook Sale and find your next favorite read! Also, when it seems like doors keep getting slammed in your face, don't give up. Keep fighting to be seen. Everyone has a voice and should be able to use it. If you are an author or reader of sapphic fiction and haven't signed up for IHL's newsletter, click here and become part of an incredible community where we raise everyone up.