Celeb Magazine

Spoilers: Terry Bellefleur to Return in Flashback

Posted on the 24 July 2013 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

After Terry Bellefleur’s (Todd Lowe) shocking death this week on True Blood, fans were left stunned. Terry couldn’t be gone just like that could he? TV Guide’s Natalie Abrams confirmed in this week’s Mega Buzz column that Terry will indeed return:

So shocked by Terry’s death. Is there a chance that we could see him again on True Blood— Jenna 
 Terry is definitely dead, but a bloodsucking little birdie told me that Todd Lowe will pop up in a flashback later this season.

Source: TV Guide.com- “Mega Buzz: The Bones Wedding, Once‘s New Villain, and HIMYM‘s Locket”

Image Credit: True Blood Fan Source.com

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