Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Spiritual Bypassing

By Ryanshelton7 @LivingVipassana

Friends, it’s been one year since I moved back to the city after spending 7 months at the center we have here in British Columbia, Canada. Predictably, the transition from the center to daily life hasn’t been easy. I’ve been trying to connect with more and more people who share the same vision which is in itself a big challenge.

Through my explorations into many spiritual communities, one thing is becoming more and more apparent to me. The scared and craving mind is willing to do anything and absolutely ANYTHING to turn away from pain. Unfortunately, we are all doing it already. What is also understandable is the fact that we even use our spiritualities to distance ourselves from pain and suffering.

In my observation, this is not too prevalent in our tradition. Yet it is still there big time. I feel very fortunate to have come across a book that helped me see ALL THE WAYS I am still caught up in “spiritual bypassing”.

I have to admit, it was not easy to accept that and it’s an ongoing process that could very well take a lifetime to completely outgrow. This book helped me understand (in a way I never was able to) what our beloved teacher Mr. Goenka really means when he says “as it is”.

To me, this book has been an invaluable companion and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone whose longing to be truly free is becoming stronger than their desire to distract themselves from suffering.

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