Fashion Magazine

Spinach Smoothie Recipe, Even Your Kids Will LOVE!

By Momfashionlifestyle @Fashnlifestyle

Since I was on bed rest with my daughter from 8 weeks until I delivered, I had to completely change my diet {which in turn helped me shed the baby weight super fast}. And since I was severely anemic, one of the biggest things I incorporated was spinach, and I am not a huge fan of spinach.

Luckily, one of my lovely friends introduced me to green smoothies. I was extremely hesitant at first, but for whatever reason when fresh spinach is blended it almost gets sweet, which is why you don’t need any sort of sweetener when making this easy green smoothie recipe, and why your kids will love it too!

Spinach Smoothie Recipe, Even Your Kids Will LOVE!


1 Ripe Banana

2 Cups of Spinach

1 Cup Frozen Strawberries {or fresh but then add more ice}

1/2 Cup Orange Carrot Juice {or any other juice you like}

1/2 Cup Water

Ice {add to your desired consistency}

You can add a scoop of protein powder too if you are working out or want a jump start to your day!

Get Blending!

Place Spinach in bottom of blender, add banana and liquids. Blend. Add Strawberries, Blend some more, then add ice to make it as thick or thin as you like! Enjoy your greens!

{Proof little ones will gobble this up!}

Spinach Smoothie Recipe, Even Your Kids Will LOVE!

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