Politics Magazine

Spies, Lies, and Blinded Eyes

Posted on the 27 January 2017 by Ingrafted @dfiningnarrativ

The Roots of Revolution

Creed of the Muslim Brotherhood

“Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; muslim_brotherhood_1 (1)and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.”

A paradigm shift is underway in the United States Government.  The 20 plus year influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on government policy and America’s foreign relations concerning Islam will, most likely, be minimalized or at least go dormant for a few years.  It will not go away.

I have written profusely about the Muslim Brotherhood for the last 7 years on this site.  Since the beginning, I have stressed the general point that the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t care who the President of the United States is, as long as they are allowed access to the White House and Capital Hill.

This relationship began during the Clinton administration, grew immensely during the Bush administration, and reached its highest influence under Barack Hussein Obama, who purged all United States government departments of any linkage of terrorism, or subversive activities, to Islam.  This became crystal clear after the release of the report on the Fort Hood jihadi attack when Major Nidal Hassan went active on November 5, 2009, shooting 43 fellow soldiers, killing 13.  He had printed “Soldier of Allah” on his business cards.  Witnesses said he was yelling “Allahu Akbar” while systematically shooting unarmed personnel, until confronted by a female MP Officer who put 3 rounds of 9mm into him, stopping the attack and paralyzing Hassan from the waist down.

Allah must be pleased that his glorious jihadi was thwarted by a lowly woman…

Hassan was never charged with “terrorism” by the US Army.  In fact, from what I’ve seen, officially the US Army has a hard time even mouthing the words “Islamic Terrorism”.  Hassan was convicted of 13 counts of pre-meditated murder, and 32 counts of attempted murder, and currently awaits execution at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.  The report classified the attack as “workplace violence” and no mention of Islam, Jihad, Terrorism, or Muslim was included in the document.

In spite of Hassan’s own actions and concerns voiced by Army personnel for months leading up to the attack, Army officers and their superiors were either not allowed to take action, or were ignored, because of political correctness and the influence of Muslim Brotherhood groups in the United States.


In 1928 the formation of Al Ikhwan Al Muslimun, or “The Muslim Brotherhood” (MB) began a slow, diligent, and determined move by fundamentalist Muslims to influence governments around the world beginning at its birthplace, Egypt. It’s objective, to revive Islam and call Muslims from Jahiliya, “the condition of ignorance”, and re-assert global power and re-establish the Khalifa, that global Caliphate, which was the high point of Islamic civilization from the 7th Century until the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI.
There has been a lot of arguing about what the Ikhwan is and what it is not. I prefer to allow it to identify itself. The creed of the Muslim Brotherhood pretty much says it all: “Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.” Anything we add to that mission statement is supplemental.

Another point of clarification could be those who are currently and have been involved in the Brotherhood. Besides Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of MB, the chief narrative has come from Seyyid Qutb, author of Milestones, which was intended to be the vanguard document for global Islamic Revival, returning Muslims to a fundamental adherence to the “one true religion of Allah”. Qutb was very disappointed in his fellow Muslims and declared that they had fallen into a state of ignorance not matched since Muhammad himself had pulled the pagan, idolatrous, Arabs out of “jahili” and into the true place of Islam, “Submission” to Allah.

Qutb repeatedly scolds them for succumbing to Western influences of prosperity, nationalism, and capitalism, and reminds them that the collective, that is the “Ummah”, is priority. It is the Muslim’s duty to bring all governments under Islamic control, as one Islamic Nation of Muslims, and in 1965, Seyyid Qutb was executed for sedition against the government of the United Arab Republic of Egypt.  (The Brotherhood had been an outlaw organization ever since, until the United States government backed them in overthrowing the government in “The Arab Spring” of 2011-2012.)

Unholy Alliance

islaminternThe philosophy of “Collectivism” has been a very attractive attribute of Islam to Socialists, Communists, and Progressives everywhere.  This is, at least one of the two apparent reasons for the consent, even the infatuation, of the American Leftists with the Muslim community, and Islam in general.  The “Collectivist” aspect of Islam has brought Socialists and Islam together since the Bolsheviks in Czarist Russia.  A more modern version of this is “Red Shiism”, which was a Marxist/Islamic ideology in Iran leading up to the 1979 Iranian revolution when it was overpowered by the “Black Shiism” of Ayatollah Khomeini.

The Shari’a, that is the legal system which gives Islam its power, is the skeleton and the muscular mechanism upon which hangs the skin that is the façade of “religion”.  You see, Islam is a socio-political ideology with its own jurisprudence.  The directive of the Shari’a, which emanates from the Quran and the Hadith, is a “One World Order” wherein Islam “reigns supreme” (Sura 2:193).  This world conquest is achieved by Jihad, “Holy War” which, as in all warfare, consists of various aspects, or tactics.

Combat is only one aspect of war.  Islam is no stranger to violent actions of Jihad, but has become very adept at other aspects, such as psychological, political, and litigious, and propaganda warfare tactics.  One such tactic deployed by Islam is deception, known as “Taqiyya”.  It allows, even directs Muslims to lie in order to advance Islam.  The most effective jihad in America has been waged in these latter terms.  Islam learned quickly that Americans don’t like it when you blow up people and knock their buildings down.  But they will readily accept a slick talking, soft spoken guy in a business suit who smiles and shakes their hand, and speaks of things like “tolerance” and “peace” and “social justice”, all the while bemoaning the victimology of Muslims as a minority and advocating for civil rights.  (What self-respecting liberal could resist that, right?)

In the Shari’a “peace” can only exist under Islamic rule, where everyone else is “submitted” (the literal meaning of “Islam”).  “Tolerance” is not in the Shari’a lexicon, and will only exist when those being tolerated, Christians, Jews, etc., are properly subjugated.  (Incidentally, the Shari’a does not tolerate atheism, homosexuality, transgenders, adultery, or fornication (all sex outside marriage).  These deserve the same fate as an apostate-one who leaves Islam- which is death, usually by beheading.  This is why Iranian President Ahmadinejad told the UN a few years ago that Iran does not have homosexuals.  They are hung on the public squares.

Every “Social Justice” movement in the world has origins and common purpose in the destruction of Capitalism, the United States of America, and Western Society in general.  It is Marxism which is Anti-Christian, NOT Anti-Religion; Christianity focuses on the rights, liberties and value of the individual!  This is the sole reason for the success and freedom provided by America for so long.

Individuals do not exist in this post-American World; Only the Collective! (Always remember this!!)

This is the main reason for the weird, and seemingly contradictory alliance, between the radical Left and Islam.  One such scenario was recently played out when a Shari’a promoting Muslima, Linda Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York, and an Obama White House “Champion of Change”, was one of four lead organizers of the Women’s March protesting the election of Donald Trump.  Ms. Sarsour, who was also a delegate to the DNC, recently spoke at the 15th annual convention of two Muslim Brotherhood organizations, the Muslim American Society MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) in December.  While there she paused for a photo-op with a Hamas operative Salah Sarsour, who spent time in an Israeli jail for his terror related activities.

This is only the latest example of many where Shari’a promoting Muslims have joined with Leftist organizations, which welcome their support with open arms, to advance the common cause of “social justice”.  It truly represents the principle behind the old Arab proverb, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.   And this is the second reason for the alliance; they have a common enemy.  Sadly, if this is played out to its logical end, the Leftists will ultimately either be converted to Islam, submit as second class citizens (dhimmi) or die.

An Explanatory Memorandum…

…On the General Strategic Goal for the Group.  This document, written in the late 80’s and published in 1991 was found in a FBI raid in 2004 of a mosque leader’s sub-basement.  It lays out the plan for the Ikhwan in North America, specifically, the United States, and from section “One”… establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is”.  Did you catch that reference to Islamic State?  (This is known as Khalifa in Arabic; or “Caliphate”).

The document places major focus on “Settlement”, which can also read “Colonization”.  Section “Three” paragraph 4 reads:

“Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America: The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack…”  (Emphasis added)

It can be demonstrated that many Muslim advisers to the U.S. government are Muslim Brothers or sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood cause. The most prominent Islamic organizations in the United States, with which the U.S. government outreaches, are all controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. These include hundreds of groups, but specifically all of the Islamic organizations working with the U.S. government including, but not limited to:

  • Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) –Also listed as an “un-indicted co-conspirator” in the Holy Land Foundation trial of 2008, the largest terror funding trial in US history.
  • Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) –Un-indicted Co-conspirator, HLF trial.
  • Muslim Student Association (MSA) –The oldest MB organization in the US, founded 1963.
  • Muslim American Society (MAS)
  • Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
  • Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA)
  • North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) –Un-indicted Co-conspirator, HLF trial –Owns nearly all Mosque and real property.
  • International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
  • Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)

5 individuals were convicted in 2008 of funneling $12 million to Hamas.  The “Un-indicted Co-conspirator” status is still valid, and exists because the Obama Administration ceased all indictments as soon as he took office in 2009.  There are 300 individuals and additional groups which remain on this list.

What’s the Prognosis?  So asked an old friend.

While the evidence is copious and unmistakable, the United States government has, up until now, completely failed in its role to “Protect and Defend” not only the American people, but the Constitution as well.  There must be no equivocation by mealy-mouthed politicians and bureaucrats when dealing with a foreign ideology which is sworn to subvert the American government, it’s Constitution (Article 6) and conquer its citizens bringing them into subjugation under a tyrannical system posing as a “religion”.  Let there be no doubt; this is the final objective of Islam where ever it is found.  Where there are Shari’a compliant Muslims, there you will find this ideology.  You see, Islam doesn’t care if you convert or not.  But you will submit to the Shari’a.

While the evidence is copious, so then also is the number of those adherents who are doing their duty as laid out in the “Memorandum”.  They are highly organized and dedicated; driven, not by emotions, media, or self interests, or even a single leader, but by an ideology which does not accept defeat, and is very, very patient.

Today’s American People on the other hand are not.  They are polarized, uneducated and ripe; a result of “globalization” and “multi-culturalism” which has left Americans clueless to what America is.  We don’t know our own narrative.  (See previous posts on this point)

Couple all this with the massive crowds who are motivated in opposition of a new President, and those radical Leftists who have been at war with the establishment for several years now, advocating killing cops, burning properties, and targeting people based on their skin color, and you have the makings of a bona fide revolution.  The Left has been looking for this for years, the Jihadi’s live for it, and the emotional crowds will follow along like Vladimir Lenin said they would.  He called them “useful idiots”.  Revolutions get messy.  They are never simple, nor are the lines clear.  The hoards will get out of hand and atrocities happen quickly.

The Remedy?

It may be too late.  A change in the White House is a good start, but Congress is going to have to come along side.  A moratorium on “refugees” from countries that have trained, propagated, and funded the civilization jihad, as well as terrorist activities around the world, is another necessary step.  But the first thing that needs to happen is to classify the Muslim Brotherhood and it’s affiliates as terrorist organizations.  Secondly, the DOJ must begin indictments on that long list of individuals and organizations listed in the aforementioned document.  These subversive groups, MSA, CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, NAIT, and all the rest must be denied access to the government, and all educational institutions in the USA.  Until now, representatives from these Brotherhood groups have been allowed free and unrestricted access to the White House and Cabinet offices, Universities across the country, even have had members appointed to Dept of Homeland Security committees.

As a result, training manuals for the FBI and other security departments have been purged of anything tying any terrorist act to Islam.  Former DHS founding member and intelligence expert Phillip Haney experienced this when he was ordered by his superiors to purge over 700 pages of documentation from the DHS data base making that connection.  His book, “See Something, Say Nothing”, is a tell all, whistleblowing expose in which he explains the process that resulted in redacting information that would have been available on the Boston Bomber brothers and the San Bernardino shooters, possible allowing them to be stopped before their jihad.

What sovereign country continues, no, expedites importation of an ideology which has repeatedly and unabashedly declared war on it, even giving its followers access to the highest positions of power in the land, and in addition to that, turns over editing of security manuals and classified information, policy making, and textbooks for its own school children?  How would the Japanese Empire, the National Socialists (Nazi) of Germany, and militant Communism (at least during the Cold War) have been stopped if these policies were in place then?!


Last Saturday when the newly elected President attended the traditional “multi-faith” services at the National Cathedral, there were two Imam’s who offered prayers.  The first, Mohamed Magid, former president of ISNA, which as revealed previously, the US government has named as a Muslim Brotherhood front group, and is the current lmam of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) mosque complex in Northern Virginia, one of the most Sharia-adherent and jihadist in the country.  The video of this speech has been widely distributed, wherein Mr. Trump is obviously unhappy, and Mrs. Trump is quite upset, to the point that the President thought she was leaving.

The second Islamic prayer was offered by Sajid Tarar, a Pakistani native and naturalized US citizen who created a group known as “Muslims for Trump”, and gave the closing prayer at the RNC convention last summer.  His prayer was the very prayer that is spoken in Arabic by every Muslim who prays in Mosque, known as Al-Fatihah (Exordium).  It is the first Sura of the Quran and all prayer is invalid without it.  It goes like this:  Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe, The Compassionate, the Merciful, Sovereign of the Day of Judgement!  You alone we worship, and to You alone we turn for help. Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have favored, Not of those who have incurred Your wrath, Nor of those who have gone astray.”

Islamic scholars and commentaries interpret the three groups of people at the end as: “those favored” – Muslims,  “those who have incurred your wrath”- Jews, “those who have gone astray”- Christians.  Since this was spoken in Arabic, few who were in attendance knew what was being said, and wouldn’t have caught the full meaning anyway.

The Republicans were proud to push to the media that they had “Muslims for Trump” in support back during the Convention.

Just a word to the wise.  Be ye warned:  Do not forget those different aspects of waging war.

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