Debate Magazine

Speculation - Conspiracy - is This a WAR WORLD Or a FREE PLANET?

Posted on the 04 August 2014 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
if War World vs Free Planet were a football game, the scores would be:
Free Planet 2 – War World 2Speculation - conspiracy - is this a WAR WORLD or a FREE PLANET?Speculation - conspiracy - is this a WAR WORLD or a FREE PLANET?
and by that I mean, two of the Free Planet novels and two of the War World novels have been written, edited and published by Chimericana Books. Each book is between 66,000 and 88,000 words, so if these trilogies were to published as one fat paperback each be a whopping 700-page 200,000+ words paperback, which is a nice thought.Here are the scores on the doors so far, converted into relevant Amazon links, click the title below if you're keen on sampling the madness.
"Is this a WAR WORLD or is it a FREE PLANET?" is the question We The People need to ask ourselves, on a global scale, i.e. what sort of a home would we like for our children's children?Any media outlets interested in this content, there's a more detailed Chimericana Books press release titled Six Billion Willing Freedom Fighters.

Speculation - conspiracy - is this a WAR WORLD or a FREE PLANET?

published 2013

Speculation - conspiracy - is this a WAR WORLD or a FREE PLANET?

published 2014

Speculation - conspiracy - is this a WAR WORLD or a FREE PLANET?

due in 2015

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