It’s been nearly 4 years since I’ve gotten my eyes checked. Way overdue, I know! I know! I’m not always good at adulting … I know this.
Typically work benefits are apart of your overall compensation and you’d be surprised at how many people don’t maximize them (click here for more on that). So make sure you don’t waste all that allocated money, hunni!😉
Now, you could try on every pair of eyeglasses in the store to find out how each one looks, but narrowing down your choices in advance can save you a lot of time and aggravation. So that’s what I did – I scoped out the Hakim Optical website for my favourites – and then scheduled my eye exam + in-store visit.
It was the rainiest day ever in Toronto when I made my trip … so pardon my wet-rat hair and makeup less face, as I show you my short-list of spectacles I liked best:

According to The Vision Council, they’ve determined 3 points to consider when choosing eyeglass frames for your face shape. Click here to read more on that.
I took a different route and just picked out what I thought were cutest from the frames in the shop and then bombarded a few sweet people in my life with photos of my spectacled face, demanding their feedback immediately😛
With all of my banked benefit dollars… I was able to buy 3 PAIRS. Here’s what I finally settled on …

The Grande … “An artistic version of one of the most popular new frame styles. For a true trendsetter.”
These bad boys come in speckled red, black and yellow.
I liked them so much over all the others that I opt’d for both Red & Black!!!😀

That gold trim across the tops and slight cat-eye point and giant shade coverage just made them perfection for lil’ ol’ me!
There you have it friends! In my old age… seems I’ve gotta start including glasses into my vanity and outfit posts.
So might as well make sure I pick fashionable ones.😉
What do you think of my choices? Were there others you preferred? Let me know in the comment section below.
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