Anything I see that says MineCraft get a second look. While we try not to play into it to much because he will go overboard if you don't keep a pretty close eye on him. PaperCraft is an app for the iPhone & iPod Touch. (Not sure about iPad but probably that too) PaperCraft allows you to design your own MineCraft blocks, chests, guys (or what ever they are called), & anything else then you can print them out on paper. The app lays the 3D Mincraft object flat & gives easy to cut out & fold directions so you build it out of paper! It's pretty awesome! The one we downloaded is called Papercrafts for Minecraft & its free. There are many other including the official MineCraft PaperCraft Studio that costs $3.99. Now that I know what it is & how great it is we will probably be buying that one soon. It's a small win but a win I'll happily take to see him smiling & giggling to show us these little figures he has cut out, folded, & sometimes taped together. Before I let him download the app but after he had studied the info page for the app he even cut out & folded his own minecraft guy & was so proud of himself! I couldn't help but download it! When he is good, does something he is supposed to do, or is rewarded in anyway it's usually with video game time. (Usually on his iPod Touch) There are many times when he doesn't even play minecraft he just designs objects & then asks to print them out. I print out 5 or 10 & then the iPod gets put away by his own hand without me telling him to! That's a win!
I love his face while he is crafting! That's a happy kid!