I am pleased to officially announce that my first e-cookbook Cooking with Fibromyalgia: A Young Man’s Guide to Simple & Delicious Vegetarian Gluten & Dairy Free Meals will be released on July 31, 2013.
Over the next couple of weeks leading up to the July 31st release date, I will be unveiling some amazing weekly giveaways and contests here and on my Living with Fibro blog to celebrate!
This contest was inspired by my recent interest in developing recipes that incorporate lentils.
During my recipe writing I realized that I have never created a dessert that incorporates lentils.
A quick Google search rendered paltry results so I decided to reach out to all of you for help.
Check out the details to my first ever:
Best Ever Green Lentil Dessert Recipe Idea Contest!
To enter this contest submit under this post your most creative gluten + dairy free dessert recipe idea that incorporates green lentils. At the end of the submission period I will choose FIVE of the most intriguing recipe idea submissions (picked by me).
I will post these FIVE recipe ideas as a survey on the gluten free chef Facebook page and allow you all to vote on your favorite. Once the voting period ends and the votes tabulated; I will create a dessert recipe based on your idea submission. I will post the dessert recipe + photos of my results in creating this sure to be yummy dessert.
One winner will be chosen to win a e-copy of my cookbook as well as a mention in the blog post as the inspiration behind the recipe. If there is a tie, I will rerun the survey to allow for a tie breaker vote.
DEADLINE: I will take submissions today through July 11 at 11: 59 PM EST. The survey will go live Friday July 12 at 5:30 PM and end Saturday July 13 at 11:59 PM.
WINNER: The dessert recipe idea with the most votes will win the contest. The winner will be notified via email. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours the second place entry will win the e-cookbook.
I am so excited to be launching my first ever recipe idea contest and I can’t wait to see all the creative confections that are submitted.
May the most creative dessert recipe idea win!
the gluten free chef