Father Christmas will soon be visiting our home and leaving presents for 3 excited little munchkins. We don't have a fire of any sort in our home nor a chimney so this year Santa will need to use his magic key on our windows. However he won't want to come in if the windows are dirty or grubby as his beard and coat may get stained. A lovely window cleaner happily cleans the outside for us, but what about inside??
Like many other people I have tried various things to clean the inside windows but it usually ends up looking worse than it was before I started with awful water and solution streaks. Well not anymore thanks to Karcher and their unique window vacs

Karcher makes window cleaning easier: With Kärcher window vacuums you can save time when cleaning smooth surfaces such as windows, tiles and mirrors – without leaving streaks. The innovative water recovery system takes up dirty water before it drips – and it can be used anywhere because it is battery-operated!
I now have the Karcher WV60 model which comes with the handheld vac, 2 vac nozzles, wall charger, spray bottle with micro fiber head and 20ml solution.
The vac needs very little assembly. The microfibres attachment needs placing on the bottle and the bottle filling with solution and water. I'm not site what the solution contains but to me it just smelt like washing up liquid.

The first part in the cleaning process involves spraying the solution onto the windows and wiping up and down with the cloth. It's quite easy but for higher windows I did have to stand on a chair so it could maybe do with some sort of handle attachment maybe. I did also find that if the bottle was tipped at the wrong angle then it would drip a little but nothing too major and I didn't end up soaked.
It's best to do one window at a time with this solution rather than spraying every single window with it and using the vac afterwards. The windows need to be wet for the next stage and the solution is simply to clean them.
After cleaning its time for the fun bit and to use the vac. The vac is very lightweight and portable. It does not need a power lead and the lead supplied is simply a battery charger.

This vac comes with 2 nozzle attachments both large and small for different size windows. It works just like a cleaner. I simply slide it across the window that I just cleaned either horizontal or vertical it doesn't really matter. It's not too noisy either just a low buzzing sound.
As with anything there is a certain knack to doing it well and it's really all about getting the water off before it all dries up and stains. It does not take long to do and I am pretty impressed with the results. Windows much cleaner inside as well as out. I thought I spotted a few stains but when it examined properly these were actually on the outside and not in. Looks like my window cleaner is overpaid!
It does not take too long to charge and it's small and light too so can be placed on a kitchen unit whilst charging.

Once the windows are clean pane sparkly the unit comes apart easily for cleaning and emptying the dirty water which is stored in a clear tank at the front. I think it takes a long time to get this tank full as I have cleaned all the windows in my house since getting it and the tank is not full yet, no where near.
Of course when not in use, it's small size makes it easy to store away in a cupboard or under units for next time.
And now Santa will stay clean when coming through our windows this Christmas Eve and no linger am I embarrassed that my window cleaner will think my inside windows are dirty.
I have found the vac cleans more than just windows too. It’s great on large mirrors and even oven and microwave doors with glass (outside door only). I also have a large glass shelved unit that I can use it on too.It can probably clean many glass surfaces but for obvious reasons I will avoid cleaning my LCD televisions with it or anything electrical.
Whoever thought window cleaning could be so much fun!
I did wonder about replacement cleaning fluid as it's best to empty the bottle out after use rather than storing it incase of spills. I did find the stuff over on Amazon for less than £5 and a google search will bring it up and many other places. This is for 500ml of solution which will give many good shines to the windows before I have to buy more.
The window vac itself can be purchased directly from Karcher and is priced at £79.99 which is worth an investment. They also have extra accessories for it.